Jul 13, 2005 09:24
I have a week left of only having one child, next thursday i will have two.
the scariest part is this past week I can hardly handle having one.
I know, I know it is because I am at the end of my pregnancy and everythign hurts and I am just so anxious and emotional tha tit makes ash hard to deal with but she has been so fussy and potty training is just a complete failure, but i think it is my fault not hers..I am uncomfortable sitting with he rin the bathroom waiting for her to go on the potty so i get frustrated and start to snap at her i feel bad..i wnted to have two glorious weeks with her befroe bringing home anew baby but they dont seem so glorious anymore sigh....
i just feel all weepy myself and since she has been in a similar mood I couldnt handle it anymore..so i sent her to my moms for th emorning will give me a chance to make some phone calls and get my little research prohects done it is really ard lately to bring hwr with me on my errands so i may run out for juice and such while she is away as well i want to henjoy her conpany and i am just kind of at loose ends it is hard too, to not have a lto of work or study pressure a few little things... and ofcourse the billing crap.... its just a lot of headache stuff to deal with when i just want to lay in bed all day and sleep....or at least try to - not many comfortabel positios left at this point
I fdecided we could go with matthew instead of mathew
no one seemed to agree with me about the one 't' so I give up it isnt somehtign worth arguing over
tomorrow is my last drs appt till baby comes
sometimes i want the baby to come early but yeterday was dreading the surgery and recovery for the first time, actually rmemeberign how hard it was.. prior to yesterday i waspsyched it was scheduoled and i was ready to go so who knows again with the mood swings and meotions
gonna try and be productive and take advantage of havign break this morning
maybe i can even nap before i pick her up certainly wouldnt hurt at this point!