Mar 13, 2004 00:07
First i must say, Kristina is a wonderful girlfriend. i am very partial to her and spending time with her. tonight we went to eat, we planned on going to Ted's Montana Grill and eating veggieburgers, since my gal doesnt consume meat, and i figured id give those a chance, i try to get her side of things too ya know. Well, Kristi decided that she wanted a bloomin onion from Outback, which was perfectly fine with me becase those things are the bee's knee's. After the around 45 - 50 min wait, which wasnt too bad, we ate and made it over to Regal just in time for Secret Window. Isnt that weird how we always seem to be right on time for things, when its not really planned? Secret Window was a weird movie, yeah, weird. its alright, not bad really. If you are interested in it, id say go see it. Me and Kristi promptly returned home as both of us were just plain worn out. And that is where i am, in front of my comptuer, drinking my water, just having finished my Reese's Swoops, which i must say my friends, that if you havent tried, you must immediately. So ends another night, happily spent with miss newman. :)