May 23, 2006 09:37
An interesting side effect of the social network flip I have experienced coming out here (from 99% of my socialising outside work to 99% of my socialising inside work) has been the increased magnitude at the extremes of my sociability. It is far far easier to feel overcrowded or isolated (or, perhaps, both) than in my previous life and I am suffering both :(
Attempting to compensate with phonecalls but the best time to phone people in the UK is between 02:00 SGT and 06:00 SGT, which does not enamour itself to my current working hours. Email would be fine, but with still no home internet connection and the current level of work it never actually happens. One more problem always comes up. Bah
Apologies for the whining, just feeling a little stressed - mostly a hangover from last week I suspect
Normal service will resume shortly