Apr 25, 2006 12:06
You may have noticed a certain silence on here, my friends - or at least a reduction in volumes of whittering. If you did you may have deduced that work is pretty hectic and you would be correct in that deduction. It's not all work, however..
Kicked off Dinner Club on Saturday (well, formally - I was at a dinner party where the idea was conceived about a month ago) and it went down well. Cooked an Ethiopian meal for Christine, Rai, Maryanne and Sarah consisting of iab, doro wat, vegetable alecha, chilli tomato salad and tej and served with flatbread. With sufficient poking I hope it will be a regular thing - encouraging people to cook rather than eat out all the time and complain about it ;)
Kicked off a Games Night the previous Thursday - people wandered over to mine and played Fluxx and Munchkin until the wee hours. Not too bad considering they turned up for something more traditional
Otherwise socialising has mainly been eating out: whether it's the food stalls on Smith Street in Chinatown or Au Petit Salut up in Holland Village or meals at people's houses (the aforementioned inaugral Dinner Club). Am heading out to a pub for the first time in a month tonight to celebrate ANZAC Day with some Kiwis and Aussies, which shouldn't be too debauched ;)
insects in amber,