Jan 18, 2006 20:28
Well, from the looks of it, many of you may be thinking, oh, Jonah's gay, how strange. However, I had no idea that my livejournal could look so girly and so butch at the same time. I mean, if you really look at the kitty in the corner, if pretty much screams "MACHO MAN!". On other business, the collage is really cool, come over to my house iff'n you want a look at it. It is truly a stroke of genius. Major props to lucas for bill gates... that is solid gold. It was a good time at my house, at least I think it was and we (surprisingly), did not watch a movie, fortunately, we did play some James Bond: Nightfire. AAANNNNNNDDD... PARTY! 16 1/2 gallons of Sprecher root beer, yummy, hello cavity city! I hope they hand out toothbrushes as door prizes.
Sometimes, you just need to insert a break in a huge mass of text, it makes the whole thing look more free, something with fung shwei. Thats the thing about spelling chinese with the english alphabet. For example, look at the famous former leader of china... what's his name... you got it? now spell it!
Contestant one: Mao Zedong
Contestant two: Mao Tse-tonge
Contestant three (probably lars): B-O-O-M H-E-A-D-S-H...
Contestant four (probably alex): W-H-E-R-E I-S T-H-E P-A-N-T-R-Y?
Contestant five (brittany): meow zeedong (now picture a cat parody of this, its not too hard)
contestant six: 毛澤東
In any case, I believe the point is made.. thank you. Well, now you can go get a paper towel and some fabreeze to clean the puke off of your keyboard from looking at my new layout, thank you again livejournal, you learn so much on the internet, how much of it is useful? Well, now that I know pink is in, I will finally be able to get on with my life.
Jonah Hacker, that one guy
wait a second, if you're smiling, that means you're horny?!? uh oh! I guess I never really knew what it meant, how embarrassing.