Jan 12, 2006 22:04
Well, before I get to the meat of this log, I think I better make some sort of prélude so it's not too terribly boring for you all and maybe convince some of you to enter "The 1337est h4x0rz" contest.
A Gamer's Haiku
My micro is 1337
pwning all those n00bs hardcore
Will they ever learn?
Alright, with that over with I can now move on to the much more important business of forming a super band that will perhaps rise to the status of legendary within at most a month. So as of right now, we have a Cellist, Kristen Brenner; a bassist, yours truly; probably Jake Ripp-Dieter on either bass or git-box; Probably Josh as general music director. Anyway, you can see that a truly legendary group of musicians is joining together, so if you want instant fame, now would be the time to join. The group would probably involve a very tiny time commitment, from 1 hour per month to about no time whatsoever. Speaking of which, there are many ways in which one could pronounce "whatsoever" you've got "what-SOE-ver", "whats-over", "what-SOVE-er..." "etc". Okay, so you may be thinking this is gonna be one of those trippy acid rock bands like the doors and the only thing we'll ever do is make crazy experimental music while totally hammered, but that is incorrect. We will most likely make trippy music without having acid trips. So if you love making music, drinking RC, pwning n00bs (sorry), and just getting downright funky in a stuck up classical sort of way. Then this is the musical opportunity for you. Look forward to seeing you or talking to your agent soon. Then feel free to stop by J. Hacker's house to get your official "Ride Hard, Die Young" tattoo across your back as a sign of lifelong commitment to the band. To quell any questions about the procedure, our on hand tattoo artist, Lucas Brogan will be using a rusty old needle and 5 year old bic pen for the tattoo art. And sorry, no tattoo, no band membership. Good Night Folks, and don't forget to spay or neuter your cats and dogs.