Many of men have pondered this question, and few have truly found a fullfilling answer. From Archimedes to Steve Jobs, the grand master of widgets, men have searched from the stars into their own souls for a solution. Who is the 1337est h4x0rz? In order to answer that question, I think it is necessary to define what is meant by 1337, and what is meant by h4x0rz. To determine this, I went to the most helpful and arguably the most bogus research tool on the web, yes you guessed it, Wikipedia. (dont you love tabbed browsing?)
Okay, so according to wikipedia, 1337 is the year in which Edward, The Black Prince is created Duke of Cornwall, The first English Duke. Then if you look up leet, you will receive this very informative page,
click here it shows how lame people really can be. If you do, you will get to see this dashing guy in on his home turf.
In any case though, who is a 1337 h4x0rz? I have decided to conduct a h4x0rz talent search. I will be judging based on 10 criteria which are listed below. To enter, supply me with a resumé that covers the criteria listed below and don't try any funny business because I will be fact checking every entrant. So if you say you are in the top 50 starcraft players, it better be true. 1337 $p34kz is recommended for at least part of the entry. The final two contestants will be judged before a panel of unbiased officials on the matter. Your resumé should cover the following topics.
1. Knows the meaning of the acronyms RTS, FPS, PEMDAS, STFU, OMFG, EIDE..., USB, BHS
2. Does not go a single day without saying either n00b, pwnt, Boom Head Shot!
3. Types 60 words/min in either 1337 $p34kz, or StIcKy CaPs.
4. pwns n00bs, please, only entrants who truly pwn, none of this well, we both attacked eachother's bases at the same time and I killed his last villager one second before he killed mine crap.
5. Have either worn the left click button of your mouse smooth or have some various food stuffs/sauce stuck in/ on your keyboard.
6. Wrap USB cables around your neck and call them your "bling-bling" in the least gangster way possible.
7. Cannot construct fluent sentence a wholly.
8. Are actually paler in summer than in winter.
9. Could write a mod that would pwn n00bs so hard, but doesn't because they are so pro they dont even need to waste their time writing a mod to pwn n00bs they could pwn anywayz.
10. has their ISP running through like, 400 proxies and somehow links them to the white house internet server.
Well, best of luck folks, you can post your resumé as a comment, or write it on your own page and simply alert me to it via a comment, thank you all for participating.