Apr 01, 2004 22:47
I understand I said it was the last entry, but its been a positive change sort of. Recently I joined the Crew team again and it has given me something to do, in other words something else than to sit here and think about shit. It has kept the bad thoughts at bay. I might even go as far as to say it has made me happier. Who knows maybe its turned a new leaf, or just an old plant that got watered to sprout new leaves yet again :). Betwenn practices, classes, and sleep, and trying to lose weight I am quite busy.
Got two races this weekend. One against Saint Joe's, the other is down in VA. Gonna be a drive again. Actually this is the latest I have been up in a few days. I am not too sleepy, but kinda hungry so I'll go to sleep just to drown the noises of my stomach.