ARGH. fond as I am of Live Journal two things have happened that sort of make me less and less likely to participate here. One is the failure of my intercontinental linkage from
Blogspot to LiveJournal. The bridge collapsed and nothing I do seems to repair it. So every blasted post requires another post over here. But that's not the main problem. The main problem is my spam guard/security thingie no longer works so I'm being hit with spammers all the time. And, yep, I've done all the resetting and redefining and etc. They just don't work any longer.
The obvious solution is to make it impossible for anyone to comment, but that takes a lot of the fun out. So that's where we are. When I can remember to post here, I'll certainly do so -- I've always had a lot of fun at LJ.
Anyway, this post is really heads up and a thank you to the Fanyons for organizing a countdown to the release of
Come Unto These Yellow Sands. In fact, it's a lot more than a simple countdown;
it's a cyber launch party with real prizes and games and...well, I'm astonished and moved at the effort they've gone to for this.
The book releases June 14th from Samhain Publishing. It can be preordered through Amazon, etc.
It's definitely a different kind of story for me. In fact, it's a little nod to those readers who claim they love my stuff but wish I would write something besides mysteries. So here's a mystery from the perspective of someone who doesn't give a damn about mysteries and has no desire to solve one, but finds himself in the middle of one nonetheless.
Anyway, I'm currently in the midst of unpacking and catching up on email and all the other stuff that piles up no matter what else is going on in your life. More on that later -- meanwhile, have fun and don't forget to "like" my Fan Page if you're so inclined.