girly fun

Aug 10, 2009 17:10

so today Ken was supposed to babysit for our friends who have an 18-month-old daughter while mommie had a doctor's appointment. Since he had to go up to MA, I ended up going in his place. Babysitting was uneventful, she slept the whole time. But when mommie got back she was in tears. Umm oh no she's dying, I thought. No it turns out she might be pregnant, which is ok with them. The problem was apparently during her last pregnancy she gained 50 pounds which she lost right after birth, apparently water weight. And her doctor back home was OK with that. This doctor, however, apparently told her she couldn't gain that much weight and he would make her talk to a nutritionist if he needed to. And to top it all off, he didn't have an ultrasound person there today so he couldn't say 100% she was pregnant. So she started bawling and stormed out. And was crying when she got home. Luckily I didn't point out how crazy she was being! ;)
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