More Myers-Briggs

Jan 12, 2009 00:11

Here's more about me according to Myers-Briggs... do you agree?

ENTP Descriptors
• Creative
• Imaginative
• Curious
• Quick
• Clever
• Innovative
• Abstract
• Logical
• Objective
• Analytical
• Rational
• Outspoken
• Assertive
• Entrepreneurial
• Resourceful
• Energetic
• Enthusiastic
• Spontaneous
• Adaptable
• Impulsive

Characteristics of ENTP
• ENTPs love challenging problems and are resourceful in solving them.
• They will seldom do anything the same way twice, always wanting to try something new.
• They continually scan the environment for new, exciting opportunities.
• ENTPs focus on the future rather than the here and now.
• They are constantly innovating.

ENTPs with Others
• ENTPs are extremely perceptive about the attitudes of others.
• They aim to understand people rather than judge them.
• They admire competence, intelligence, precision, and effciency.
• ENTPs enjoy verbal sparring and love to debate ideas.
• Their energy and enthusiasm make them fun to be around.
• They are continually trying to improve themselves and others.
• Although they don’t intend to, they may annoy others by making promises and then forgetting to follow through because they are on to the next interesting thing.

ENTPs at Word
• ENTPs are adept at seeing opportunities and then analyzing them strategically.
• They are good at understanding how systems work.
• They have a lot of imagination and initiative for starting projects and a lot of impulsive energy for carrying them out.
• ENTPs are stimulated by diffculties, quickly devising creative responses and plunging into activity.
• With talent, they can be inventors, scientists, journalists, troubleshooters, marketers, promoters, computer analysts, or almost anything that it interests them to be.
• They are happiest and most effective in jobs that permit starting one project after another, with someone else taking over as soon as the situation is well in hand.
• ENTPs are not likely to stay in any occupation that does not continually provide new challenges

Potential blind spots for ENTPs
• If ENTPs have not developed their Intuition, they may not take in relevant information and thus their “insights” may be greatly at odds with current reality.
• If they have not developed their Thinking preference, they may not have reliable ways to evaluate their insights or make plans to carry them through.
They will then go from one enthusiasm to another, accomplishing little.
• Also, they may have diffculty prioritizing their many possible projects, which can lead to burnout as they try to do it all.
• Or, they may commit themselves to ill-chosen projects, fail to fnish them, and squander their inspirations on uncompleted tasks.
• ENTPs tend to hate uninspired routine and fnd it remarkably hard to apply themselves to the sometimes necessary detail connected with any major interest.
• They may get bored with their projects as soon as the major problems have been solved or the initial challenge has been met.

myers-briggs, entp

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