
Nov 25, 2007 23:44

I went to Whistler for Thanksgiving. I'm not going to go into too much detail about that, but will instead post this video documenting our non-skiing adventures.

image Click to view

Needless to say, I had a grand old time. We took many pictures and videos. Maybe I'll post some of them later.

This year I did less skiing than last because the guy at Alpine Hut sold me boots that were a size too small which made my toes look like I had slammed a car door on them. The only way I could describe how I was feeling while skiing on Thursday was that there was a ball of white hot pain living in my foot and it was eating all that was around it. Needless to say I wasn't too excited about skiing on Friday or Saturday, so I didn't. Today (Sunday) I decided to rent equipment and forget my boots that were too small. I skied for the whole day and was much happier.

So now that my 4 day weekend is through it is time to get back to work. Luckily my super busy time at work is over and I have been able to do things like read on the bus instead of checking e-mail, and come home from work and watch TV instead of drawing pictures for designs I wanted to show people the next day. It'd be nice if this keeps up for a while. I like being busy at work, but it's nice to have some downtime at home. Also, now that I have some extra time, my boss has hinted at me getting some neat things in the new year, like being the guy who looks into all the competing software, and looking at all the different features and presenting it to my team and stuff. This kind of research is stuff I do anyway, so it'd be fun to do it as my job. I think it'd also help me look a little more critically at other office style products out there.

One day soon I'm going to be playing real money Monopoly at my Uncle Boss Clay's house (he's not my team lead, but he is the other lead that works under my boss's boss -- thus my uncle boss). We will play that a dollar is a cent so landing on Boardwalk with a hotel could cost $20 in rent. But first we need to settle on how all the rules are going to work and such -- once you play for real money then everything has to be real clear before we start! Deciding on the rules will be half the fun!

Anyway, we went skiing today and then drove six hours so now I am awfully tired. Toodaloo!

white hot pain

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