
Jun 01, 2010 22:25

I've finally got pics of my scraproom to share, since Rhiannon keeps insisting. LOL
The closet is still a tragic mess, but I didn't photograph that. :P


This small table is near the door... my kits are tucked away under it.

This is where I sit and create things, the pic at the top of the page is my view from here...

3 of my 4 kitchen chairs live in here. LOL BUT LOOK CLEAN TABLE!! I can actually create in here again!!!

My buttons are all sorted by color.  Before they were in little jars all mixed up.

Labeled and organized! There are photos in the 2 big boxes. The Ampersand came from my trip to DC. It's an old printers block.

Flowers & glimmer mist. : ) 

My friend octopusouphut made the K for me. :)

I need to join the Martha Stewart Punch support group. I own way too many of them.

My sexy new shelving unit.  Albums fill the whole far end.

Blank Mini albums- I have just as many complete ones in the other room! I love minis!

Raw chipboard.

Inspiration books labels/mini alphas/thickers....

Converse boxes, make great storage!

Loose ribbons.

Clear stamps.

I used to stack my finished pages on the counter there, my cricut used to be in the living room by my computer, but I never used it there. Those clipboards used to be on the wall where the shelf is now. Love them against the blue, they really stand out there!

My delicious new camera bag! It's only in the unit temporarily, I've ordered more albums for my huge stack of completed pages... they'll go in this shelf.

Letter storage.

I made that stained glass piece. :)

work in progress

I should probably join a flower support group too...

ribbons sorted by color.

That fork was anger management art in college. It was my first piece. The rest of them I turned into windchimes.

Gotta have scrap tunes. :)

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