Some thoughts
1. I think we can safely say that Widmore is not on TeamSmokey. But I also think we can say that Widmore is not on TeamJacob. He is only on TeamWidmore. He wants the island all to himself, with no one helping him.
2. Sawyer and Kate need to stay as friends because that's the best relationship they have. They make a great team when they work together. Not when they sleep together.
3. Who in the world is MIB's mother? I'm going with her being a deity. She was the mother of the island, who gave it its special powers and made it hidden from the rest of the world. She was the caretaker of the island and had two children to take over her role someday, MIB and Jacob. Everything was going well until other people came to the island, started to destroy and change it, which caused her to go crazy.
4. When MIB and Jacob's mother went crazy, she took it out on them. Her final act, and the #1 thing that has upset MIB, was to make both of her sons live forever and be unable to harm each other. She thought of it a way to protect her sons but MIB didn't. Jacob completely took over the role his mother trained him for, protecting the island the best way he thinks. MIB however can't stand the fact that he is stuck on the island, doing what his mother wanted him to do. He also can't stand being stuck with his brother for all time. That's why he wanted Jacob killed and wants off the island. He wants to experience the rest of the world and new people.