Curiosity Killed The Cam (Short Fic)

Mar 05, 2012 00:29

Title: Curiosity Killed The Cam

Rating: Mature/R

Summary: Okay, well not physically killed, but mentally. Takes place during Unending.  Short and silly.

Curiosity Killed The Cam

When Cameron Mitchell heard the scream, instinct took over, as well as curiosity.  From the tone of voice, he could tell that Vala was the one in trouble.  He raced down the long corridors of the Odyssey to the approximate location of the scream.  He really hoped that Princess was okay, the last time she had screamed was when it was her turn to cook them all dinner, and she spilled hot water on her bare arm.

Cam came to a stop in front of the door to the cafeteria.  More flashbacks of what had happened with the hot water flooded his memory as he opened the door.

He was greeted not by a poor princess in pain, but instead, by Jackson's bare ass.  Cam was in shock and horrified by the vision before him, but he couldn't seem to tear his eyes away.  Jackson was sexin' Vala on the cafeteria table!  The man's pants were not even all the way off, like they just couldn't wait to get to the good part.

Cam now understood why Vala had screamed, and it wasn't because she was in pain.  Oh no, quite the opposite in fact.  Finally, he was able to snap himself out of the trauma-induced trance that he had been in.

"What the hell you two?"

Jackson and Vala sprang apart and simultaneously turned to see who was interrupting their vigorous love-making.

"Shit!" Jackson yelled as he pulled up his pants.

Vala just smoothed down her remaining clothing and sighed.  "I was having fun Cam, try knocking next time."

Cameron was irate.  "Knocking?  Are you serious?  You do know that you two were goin' at it in the cafeteria on the table where we eat our meals right?"

Vala just smiled and shrugged, dragging Jackson off to most likely finish their business elsewhere.

All Cam could see in his mind was the horrifying image of his teammates half naked on the table.  Damn curiosity!

Sighing, he found the bleach and began to scrub at the table in earnest.

THE END!  Let me know what you thought of this silly story!

vala mal doran, cameron mitchell, daniel/vala, stargate, daniel jackson

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