Dec 20, 2005 23:39
Okay, so finals are over, and my three weeks of super awesome fun freedom have commenced. For the record, my streak of failing a calculus course the first time taking it continues!
Said my goodbyes to Liz and Jesse on Friday afternoon... if it was up to me, they'd be staying in Ames next semester... but alas, it is not my decision. Too bad Australia is so far away... that, and they won't be back until the middle of the summer (our summer, that is!).
Helped set up the luminaria with George on Saturday morning. Got there at 9, filled a bunch of bags, then we were sent to the levee to set up bags. It was pretty nippy out, so that hot chocolate at noon (when we were done) was pretty nice. I'll have pics of the luminaria that night on my website at some point. It'll take me a while, since I'm on dialup... in case you've forgotten my complaining about it in the past.
Sunday afternoon was the high school band concert... they did a fantastic job. The jazz band absolutely knocked my socks off. They played some hard pieces and nailed each one pretty darn well... I think it's the best the jazz band has sounded since the heydays of Heinen... and that's saying a lot. Concert band also did a fantastic job... and they played an encore piece -- "Sleigh Ride" -- which they learned in half a day. I suspect it was partly in jest, because we played that song about three years in a row when I was in high school because we were so bad, we couldn't learn anything too terribly new. And it took us the whole semester just to make it somewhat presentable. Yessir, the band these days is rockin'. I really really REALLY want to chaperone the St. Patrick's Day Parade trip.
So, yesterday was Monday... the only thing I recall doing was meeting Ruthann over at Cold Stone, since we hadn't had it in just about forever. What was great is that every Monday and Friday, from 7 p.m. 'til close, they have a buy one, get one free promotion if you have your college ID! Sweeeeeeeeeet! So yeah, we were chatting it up when Maiers calls me.
Maiers: Is there a Cold Stone in Dubuque?
Me: Yeah, I'm there right now.
Maiers: Is it right across from Blockbuster?
Me: Yeah.
Maiers: Dude, I'm in Blockbuster right now!
That was an amusing exchange. He later admitted that he called me to rub it in my face that he could have Cold Stone right then if he wanted, and I couldn't. His plan kinda backfired... and now he has "a mean f'in cold." Poor guy. He also made this stunningly accurate observation about winter sickness spreading: "People are petri dishes."
Tonight was Christmas shopping night with my pops. I have to run downtown and look for something tomorrow... yay. I also have to go up to the high school (for the third day in a row, yayyyy!) so I can return the Communications broadcast tape I borrowed. Hehe, I made a cameo. I'm special.