Jan 31, 2006 01:08
Homework at 1am anyone? Why do I think that it is okay to stay up so late. My roomates and I decided to go and watch a movie. I have been watching a lot of movies lately even though, they are not part of my strict budget. We watched Anapolis. Not a shabby film, but the fat kid tries to kill himself, but he survives but it is still sad. My suitemate (the whorish one)(actually they are both whores but..) has a boy over and let me tell you, closed hall hours end at 10pm. It is no longer 10pm. I hope she gets caught. I have also taken to compulsive lying. Today for instance I was supposed to babysit in the morning at 9, unfortunatly my alarm was set for the pm and not the am and i didn't wake-up until 10. I had a friend call and tell them that I was in the hospital with an alergic reaction, and that I was going to be okay I just still had low blood-pressure but I should be released soon. Then, I had a dentist appointment, or did I just not want to go to spanish class? Indeed I chose the later. I am going straight to hell, where I will birth snakes from my legs, and burn forever.