(no subject)

May 03, 2006 16:17

lost is back! timed with new south park my life feels whole again. :). Well band practice tonight although no ed unfortunatly which will be wierd, as he plays lead, and its like and the solo!....yes... Still we'll do our best, will get something done im sure. Blurg people complain about dirty middle aged men, but dirty middle aged women are even worse, they go around in packs... its especially worse when you have to serve them and be pleasant when your just thinking fuck off. On another note, 36days to download, not long, not long. Dom is now coming with us, got an exam monday afternoon but he said if we can get him to school by then he would come, so naturally i agreeded to, couldnt do it without him. hehe, he's gonna fail the exam miserably but at least he had a good time, :)
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