What everybody's afraid to say but may think!!!

Jul 06, 2005 23:10

LJ, what it do...todays' blog is gonna be a little controversial for some..but has that ever stopped me...HELL NAW...wit that said...let's get it poppin'

So there's a show on FX called 30 days where they take a conservative straight male and put him in a house with a gay man for 30 days...in the gayest part of san francisco...I didn't like the show very much because the guy was being made out to be an asshole jus cuz he wasn't pro-gay this show sparked tonite's post...

Aight LJ, not many of you know but I was raised by gay women. I know tons of gay people...shit my sister's gay and she was the one to raise me...but with all that being said...I'm jus not pro-homosexuality. Never have been. Even when i was younger...and the fucked up thing was that everyone always made me out to be the bad guy just because i don't agree with it. They'd always say...How can you love us and call us your family but not agree with our lifestyle...and I jus never saw the connection between my love for them and their lifestyle...i look at it like this...i loved you before i even knew so i'm not gonna stop jus cuz i find out. I've kinda been ostracized because of my opinions and that's cool wit me cuz you know i'm not gonna change them...I mean i've never called a gay person a fag...although i use the word quite often...but not with the intention of hurting someone...it jus means actin' like a punk in my book.
But anyway I end up bein' the bad guy cuz i'm not pro-gay. I don't "mind" gay women as much as gay men (don't even try to pull that comfortable wit my sexuality bullshit...) but my opinion is based on about 4 things...number 1: The Bible says it's wrong...I mean we all Sin and the bible also says..."he who is without sin, cast the first stone" and i know i sin all the time...so i'm not gonna be sweatin' the issue based on the bible too hard. NUMBER 2: I don't mind homosexuals that still act like their gender...it's the ones that go and try to be a woman or hyper feminine or the ones that cut off their hair and start carryin' themselves like a man...I feel like this: jus cuz you like your same sex doesn't make you automatically the opposite sex...that shit is wack!!! if you're a man act like one...same goes for women. I think that's a majority of society's issue with it. NUMBER 3: It's bad for the survival of humankind...I mean granted the world is very over populated but shit the way black folks are turnin' gay these days...how are we gonna survive...shit they got enough shit tryin' to kill us off...we don't need to kill ourselves...and with the alarming rates of homosexuality increases it's almost being thought of as a "normal" thing. I know when i have a kid...i'm not gonna tell him/her that i'm gonna disown them if they're gay but I sure as hell ain't gonna teach them that there's nothin' wrong with it. And i feel like a large number of homosexuals are teachin' their kids that it's ok to be gay...I'm not a deity so i can't make that final decision...but in my book it's wrong...it's not the worst thing in the world but it sure as hell ain't the best...i'd rather have a gay kid than a serial rapist or somethin' like that. NUMBER 4: PEOPLE ARE NOT "BORN" GAY!!! I think it's a nature versus nurture issue...in the early stages of behavioral development i think that children are made gay...well i don't know...but it's like...if you teach them that it's ok for little jimmy to look at boys then he probably will start to like them...because they're most like him. Then over time lil jimmy will begin to be convinced that that's what he likes. And 13-15 years later you have a gay son on your hands. Cuz think about it...if you're "born" gay then that must mean there's a gay gene...so gay parents should have gay kids...the kids of the gay women i know are straight...so um...case at point.

And FINALLY...why is every person who isn't pro-gay made out to be a homophobe...don't we have the right to disagree without bein' labeled as a gay hater or somethin...and why is it that if a man doesn't want to be submerged in gay culture or around gay men then he's not comfortable with his sexuality? I sure as hell am comfortable with mine...but i'll be damned if i'm tryin' to shower wit a bunch of gay men...I understand that every gay man doesn't want me and shit but goddamn i'm not tryin' to put any ideas in anyone's head...it's like this...if you don't like clowns because they're weird are you such a horrible person if you don't wanna go to the circus or clown school...hell no!!!

On that note i'm out this hoe...

Incitefully yours,
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