Dec 01, 2006 02:49
Forgive me friends for I have sinned, it has been...I don't know how many months since my last post.
The best news I have is that I am still with Christian after 11 months and have not driven him crazy yet! My mom and I spent Thanksgiving with his family, it was really nice, and different from my usually hectic holiday. We went to see my Dad and Nick before dinner, my little brother is getting so big! He asks a lot of questions, and I'm already telling the "wrong" answers like about death and things. I don't really feel at fault, I waited for an intervention but didn't get one so I gave the answer that was true and to the point. But I guess I should be trying to give him as much of a sense of God and Heaven as possible, right? Yea, right. He's 3 1/2 and says he doesn't like God(it seems he thinks God takes people away or something) and he doesn't want to go to heaven. And yet I'm not supposed to say that someone died, but they went to heaven. Way to shelter the kid.
School is okay, as usual I'm afraid of my math grade, I'll have to eat, sleep, and breathe math to get a "C" but at least next semester should be "easy listening". I'm taking Acting II, I feel I need some creative outlet lately writing is going slooow. CCP has finally reinstated the Shakespeare class, happy happy joy joy! I also have African American Lit and Intro to Sociology, maybe not "easy" but difficult for me to fail.
Maybe I'll update more during Christmas break. By the way, my phone number hasn't changed, it'd be nice to hear from some of you!