May 17, 2007 15:24
Starting Time:1:39
name: Jeffrey Joseph Sharlow
Sisters: two
Brothers: none
eyes: Green
Favorite Drink: Coke,fuck water
***********Have You Ever*****************
Made yourself throw-up: 1:56
Gone skinny dipping: I wish
Loved someone so much it made you cry: on the inside
Broken a bone: Yeah
Been in a police car: No
Been on a plane: yup
Came close to dying: hell yes
Been in a sauna: No
Been in a hot tub: yup
Swam in the ocean: yes,hated it
Fallen asleep in school: who hasn't?
Broken someone's heart: probably.sorry whoever it was
Cried when someone died: Yes
Cried in school: once or twice.
Fell off your chair: only in need to ROFL
Saved e-mails: yes
Been cheated on: yeah
***********What is-****************
Your room like: walls are forest green,hardwood floor covered with carpet,..ceiling covered with glow in the dark stars and planets,t.v. from the late 60's,Xbox,PS2,numerous amounts of books,stones,and weird knick knacks
Whats right beside you: a box of crayons and a yearbook from eight grade.
--------------------------Ever Had- -------------------------------
Chicken pox: yes,EVERYWHERE!
Stitches: yes,on my face!
-------------------------Do You------------------------------------
Believe in love at first sight: yes,though it's not always a good thing
Like school: Yes,it's awesome seeing your friends everyday.though school itself can shove it up it's figurative pooper.
Who was the last person you called? your mom
Who was the last person you danced with: Katy W in the Broadway showcase.
Who makes you smile? everybody in their own unique way.
Who did you last yell at? My Xbox,because of that bitch you have to beat at the end of Knights of the Old Republic II.
Do you like filling these out: Not when they're ten pages long like this one.
Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? Glasses,I'm too poor for contacts :(
Do you like yourself: When I've done something worthy of it.
---------------------Final Questions---------------------------
What are you listening to right now? a cover of the Bee Gees' "Staying Alive" by Ozzy Osbourne and Frank Zappa.
Hated someone in your family: No Comment,some of you know why i'm skipping it too.
Good driver: IDKY.
Are you the oldest: no
----------------------------Today did you------------------------------
1. Talk to someone you like? nope i just got up
2. Buy something: no
3. Get sick: no
4. Sing: no but i probably will later when I take a shower.
5. Talked to an ex: No
----------------------------------Last person who---------------------------
7. Was in your bed: ME!!
8. Saw you cry: a lot of people actually
9. Made you cry: that she-devil Danielle Moses!
10. You went to town with?your mom ooooooooooooooooooh
*Breaks to go on a hunt for numbers 11-17* hey I found Atlantis,wow we need to consume more fish because these mermaids are FAT!
18. Been to Mexico: No
19. Been to Canada: No,but I really wannna
20. Been to Africa: No
21. What books are you reading right now: Ringworld Engineers
22. Best feeling in the world: Knowing people actually look up to you,are inspired by you and care lots about you.
24. Future kids names: Vera Lynn and Walter Raymond.
25. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: I am a stuffed animal
26. What's under your bed? Legos,Hot Wheels and...oh yeah I moved my stash to the closet...FUCK now everyone knows whe my stash is.
27. Favorite sport to watch? football or boxing
28. Favorite location: my mind *insane look*
29. Piercing/Tattoos: I used to have a piercing in my left ear
30. What's your current mood? calm
31. What are you most afraid of right now: The World
33. Do you have a job? I'll get one soon
35. Ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with? Like I said before,who hasn't?
37. Are you lonely right now? yes,but it's a comfortable loneliness
38. Have you ever played strip poker? one wants to see me naked :(
Time Finished: 2:39
FUCK I thought i was done with this shit!
Do you usually date people older than you, or younger?
i go with a three year limit for either way.
Who is your last missed call from?
don't remember
Do you have a job?
no but I will have one after I turn 18
What was the last thing you ate?
a tuna sammich
What's your greatest talent?
my voices maybe.
Who was the last person to IM you?
morgan I think
Who was the last person you wanted to KILL?
my little sister because she's so lazy and obnoxious.
Do you think anyone secretly hates you?
wouldn't surprise me.
What was the last thing you recieved in the mail that wasnt a bill?
tour for an acting school in California.
What do you order at MCDonald's?
Chicken Nuggets.
Who were you with last night?
Who were YOU with last night?
Where are you?
Living room
Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
When was the last time you cried?
can't recall
Ever thrown up in public?
yeah in like 3rd grade
Passed out because of alcohol?
Who's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
YOU'RE ALWAYS ON MY MIND!!!!(Willie Nelson joke FTW)
Would you take a bullet for anyone?
Where would you like to live?
anywhere with a nice climate and good friends.
About how many people have you liked?
more than i can remember
What are you doing this weekend?
When were you the saddest in your whole life?
When I realized how much better this past year could have gone.
Have you ever had a song written about you?
I hope not,thats kind of weird.
What song makes you cry?
What song makes you happy?
all of 'em
What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
the fan in my room.
A word to describe 2007?
Favorite color in 2006?
Summer 2006?
L e t t e r A
- - Are you available?:it's complicated
- - What is your age?: 17,18 in six days
- - What annoys you?: When people undermine me and condescend me.
L e t t e r B
- - Do you know anyone named Billy?: I've known a couple of Billys actually.
- - When is your birthday?: May 23
L e t t e r C
- - What's your favourite candy?: Gummy Cola Bottles
- - When was the last time you cried?: I've already answered this
L e t t e r D
- - Do you daydream?: Often,aloud
- - What's your favourite kind of dog?: no real preference
- - What day of the week is it?: Thursday
L e t t e r E
- - How do you like your eggs?: Scrambled
L e t t e r F
- - Do you use fly swatters?: of course,this is bat country
L e t t e r G
- - Do you chew gum?: when my breath is bad
L e t t e r H
- - How are you?: pretty freaking good
- - What's your height?: 5'11"
- - What colour is your hair?:Light Brown
L e t t e r I
- - Whats your favourite ice cream?: Chocolate chip cookie dough!
- - Have you ever ice skated?: no, i can barely roller skate.
L e t t e r J
--whats your favourite jellybean? Roasted Marshmallow.
- - Do you wear jewelry? a necklace my uncle gave me.
L e t t e r K
- - Who do you want to kill?: no one
L e t t e r L
- - Are you laid back?: is James Brown dead?
L e t t e r M
- - What was your favourite movie when you were little?: Nightmare Before Christmas and My Neighbor Totoro
L e t t e r N
- - Do you have a nickname?: J.J.,Jay,Jayge,Fatty,You with the Hat
- - Whats your favourite number?: 11
- - Do you prefer night or day?: not sure
L e t t e r O
- - What's your one wish?: To see alll of my friends and family whenever I wanted to.
- - Are you an only child?: nope
L e t t e r P
- - What are you most paranoid about?: The Government
- - Piercings?: nope
L e t t e r Q
- - Are you quick to judge people?: No
L e t t e r R
- - Do you think you're always right?: never.
- - Do you watch reality TV?: depends on the show.
- - Reason to cry?: numerous
L e t t e r S
- - Do you prefer sun or rain?: both
- - Do you like the snow?: never seen it or been near it in my life.
L e t t e r T
- - What time is it?: 3:19
- - What time did you wake up?: 1:30
L e t t e r U
- - Can you ride a unicycle?: no.
L e t t e r V
- - What’s the worst veggie?: they're all pretty bad
L e t t e r W
- - What's your worst habit?: speaking before thinking and having a lack of discretion.
L e t t e r X
- - Have you ever had an x-ray?: yes,several times
- - Do you own a xylophone?: yes,it's made of bamboo
L e t t e r Y
- - Do you like the colour yellow?: yeah.
L e t t e r Z
- - Do you believe in the zodiac? no but i read them anyway.
Oh and can someone pick me up on their way to graduation practice tomorrow? we're having somewhat of a vehicle crisis at my house.