Very Good Week...

May 18, 2006 23:55

So yeah, it's been a very interesting week. A crush I had has kinda developed into something more than a crush. I did something I've never done before, but don't ask cuz I'm not telling. Drama t-shirts came in. A good friend came through town. I have new clothes! I almost got grounded from prom. Wrote a paper. Got a yearbook. Took a math test. I finally performed "Life is Pandamonium" and "Tango Maureen." I won an award at the drama banquet. I danced. Going to go to senior picnic. Running lights for Children of Eden. It's been a great week!

The whole crush business is my business, so I'll not talk about that. Let's just say he's really sweet and a really good kisser!

Kyle came through town yesterday. Yes, the same Kyle who I had a huge crush on and whom gave me my first gay kiss. Well, anyhoo... He came to town. We went to eat and then to the mall. If shopping were an Olympic sport, he'd win the gold medal. We went to the GAP and he ended up buying me a shirt and jeans as a "graduation present." In other words, he felt sorry for me and my lack of a fashion sense. Thank you Kyle, I love you!!! Afterwards, we went to see Ever and then on to see another friend, Alex. I was supposed to be home by eleven, but I was thirty minutes late. My mom was seriously pissed. She almost made me give up my prom ticket. Fortunately, Kyle cheered her up. Thanks Kyle!

So then I had to write a paper for English. I ended up writing on Fahrenheit 451 since it's the only book that's actually changed me in any way during high school. Then I had a Pre-Calc test today. I actually knew how to do the work! Thank you Katheryn! You rock my world! I should beg her to help me study for finals next week.

Tonight was the drama department's Award's Ceromony and Thespian Inductions. I performed "Pandamonium" from Spelling Bee and "Tango Maureen" from RENT. It was ok. Lots of senior goodbyes, it was sad. The awards were coolness. I actually got a senior award! I recieved the Best Senior Chorus Member of 05-06 Award along with Karen Omer. I definitely was not expecting that. I've been wanting to get that award since I knew what it was. I also got my honor chords and honor thespian medallion. It was so much fun! Everyone was all dressed up and prettiful! We did karioke afterwards with Brittaney's mom. We danced to The Electric Slide and The Time Warp. I sung Lady Marmalaude from Moulon Rouge along with my mom. Wierd isn't it, I sing the hooker song with my mom. Chris, Daniel, and Connie helped. Then we all danced to I'm All Shook Up sung by none other than the wonderful Brad Searles. I was going to sing You're the One I Want with Connie, but we had to leave.

I was going to my friend, Victoria B's, graduation tommorrow night, but it's in Bradford and I have no way to get there. Since I'm not doing that tommorrow, Melinda asked me to do lights for Children of Eden which I'll be doing tommorrow night.

I can't till tommorrow! It's the senior breakfast and picnic. It'll be fun! I'll have to get people to sign my yearbook. I got it today. It has some flaws, but it's fifty times better than last years! The underclassmen section is almost perfect! Good job Andrea and Kat and whomever else who officially worked on it!

I guess that's all for now. I love you all!
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