"i can promise you it isnt. and i dont think i've ever flaunted. did i ever ONCE come into the umrc and distance myself from you because you were "evil"? did i ever ONCE bring my bible in and start trying to convert you? now i go and take a cuple of secconds to try and gently explain what i believe, and you take it as flaunting? i talked about LOVE. my only intention was GOOD! i didnt say "YOUR EVIL!!! YOUR GOING TO HELL! I AM SOOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN YOU! LOOK AT ME!! WOO HOO!!!" if i did, tell me where. because that would be flaunting."
Krysta, when I say "christianity" I do not mean "KRYSTA DID THIS! OMG LOOK KRYSTA DID ALL OF THIS!" What I am saying is what I have seen ALL over the place. Cutesy bumper stickers, so many tv evangelists (many of whom have been proven to be stealing the money they've taken from gullible old ladies), people trying to take me to their churches/youth groups or asking me why I'm not a christian sicne GRADE ONE. I do not agree with your religion, okay? I do not think that you are right. And if you're going to try to convince me by saying, when I ask why I should believe what you do, "well, I just KNOW it's true!" I'm sorry, but it's not good enough.
As for your claim that your bible has been "historically proven" so many times? Do you think Christians are the only ones who have done this? When you take a book as garbled and complicated as the bible and let a bunch of creative people try to apply it to everything, of course you'll get people saying "but look! it proves it!" This has happened in other religions too, you know. Proves nothing.
You also say you believe in god because miracles have happened to you. Krysta, I am so, so happy that your brother is healthy now, and I think you are part of a wonderful family. But what about christian families who had people praying for them, too, where the person died? Were they inferior? How do you explain this? God just likes you more or something?
I will never be a part of an organized religion. Sorry.
Hi I would like to put in a few comments in reply to what squeefish had to say. I am Krysta’s brother and I am a christian. I came up with that decision by myself, just as much as anyone else made their own decisions in their own minds.
“Who would be a christian by choice? Isn't religion a choice? What about other religions getting bashed? They don't count? More muslims and sikhs get stereotyped far more than christians do. Christianity is also the only religion that publicly flaunts itself. You'd never see a jewish bumper sticker with some saying on it about their faith.”
Why don’t you head over to the middle east and say that? Muslims in the middle east will kill christians on site. I think that’s kind of displaying what they believe don’t you? Also other religions really don’t get bashed, I’ve worked as a mechanic, and as such definately have had a taste of what people think and say, they definately don’t mock muslims or sikhs for what they believe, I’ve worked with a muslim in a shop and he never was mocked for what he believed. I on the other hand definately was. Same thing happened at Red River College when I was in school.
“It is forcing your beliefs on people when you say that "I'm right you're wrong and you're going to hell because of it." You don't think it's going to annoy people? You worry about it pissing people off... Well of course it's going to. No one wants to listen when you act like you're the only right one . Saying that you think about how your friends are going to hell and you're not going to see them in the afterlife is kind of insulting. It's like implying that you're far more superior than us. Do you really expect people not to be annoyed with you?”
It is not forcing your beliefs on someone when someone says something. If that was the case than good ‘ol El Bastard here should be thrown in jail for what he wrote to my sister. This guy completely bashes christianity with pointless blabbering thoughts without any grounding other than his feelings, so I’m not even going to comment on what he says.
Also I definately worry about where you are headed. And that is because I view you as equally as important as me if not more so. If we thought we were superior why would we care? I would be flattered if someone cared as much for my wellbeing as I did for yours.
“If I had a choice, I'd choose to believe! I'd MUCH rather be at church, glowing with happiness around my fellow christians who know all the answers, and never have to worry about the afterlife, or that maybe death is really the ultimate end or that maybe the afterlife is terrible. But the fact is that I CAN'T KNOW it's true! I know that other people believe it 100% and would die for it, but it just seems like a lie to me! Exact reversal of your statement. Is it really so hard to fathom? How can you be so certain you're right?”
Ok this is something I (or Krysta, or any other Christian) should talk about in person, as there is a slough of information to talk about. About how the bible is still very accurate (Dead Sea Scrolls), about faith, and about personal experiences. I can say that I have personally witnessed physical miricales in my life. Me not anyone else but me. I will post this sometime soon, but it is Quarter to 3 and I need to get to bed, so I will post that ASAP.
Muslims in the middle east will kill christians on site Uh... have you forgotten the crusades? You kids seem to be big on your historical evidence, so just don't forget that. Oh, and George Bush kept referring to his war in the middle east as a "Crusade". Old wounds were torn open for oil.
It is not forcing your beliefs on someone when someone says something. If that was the case than good ‘ol El Bastard here should be thrown in jail for what he wrote to my sister. This guy completely bashes christianity with pointless blabbering thoughts without any grounding other than his feelings, so I’m not even going to comment on what he says.
Well, actually you *did* comment on what they said. And if you read it again, you'll see it wasn't Christianity, but the actions of particular christians that they was talking about.
Krysta, when I say "christianity" I do not mean "KRYSTA DID THIS! OMG LOOK KRYSTA DID ALL OF THIS!" What I am saying is what I have seen ALL over the place. Cutesy bumper stickers, so many tv evangelists (many of whom have been proven to be stealing the money they've taken from gullible old ladies), people trying to take me to their churches/youth groups or asking me why I'm not a christian sicne GRADE ONE. I do not agree with your religion, okay? I do not think that you are right. And if you're going to try to convince me by saying, when I ask why I should believe what you do, "well, I just KNOW it's true!" I'm sorry, but it's not good enough.
As for your claim that your bible has been "historically proven" so many times? Do you think Christians are the only ones who have done this? When you take a book as garbled and complicated as the bible and let a bunch of creative people try to apply it to everything, of course you'll get people saying "but look! it proves it!" This has happened in other religions too, you know. Proves nothing.
You also say you believe in god because miracles have happened to you. Krysta, I am so, so happy that your brother is healthy now, and I think you are part of a wonderful family. But what about christian families who had people praying for them, too, where the person died? Were they inferior? How do you explain this? God just likes you more or something?
I will never be a part of an organized religion. Sorry.
“Who would be a christian by choice? Isn't religion a choice? What about other religions getting bashed? They don't count? More muslims and sikhs get stereotyped far more than christians do. Christianity is also the only religion that publicly flaunts itself. You'd never see a jewish bumper sticker with some saying on it about their faith.”
Why don’t you head over to the middle east and say that? Muslims in the middle east will kill christians on site. I think that’s kind of displaying what they believe don’t you? Also other religions really don’t get bashed, I’ve worked as a mechanic, and as such definately have had a taste of what people think and say, they definately don’t mock muslims or sikhs for what they believe, I’ve worked with a muslim in a shop and he never was mocked for what he believed. I on the other hand definately was. Same thing happened at Red River College when I was in school.
“It is forcing your beliefs on people when you say that "I'm right you're wrong and you're going to hell because of it." You don't think it's going to annoy people? You worry about it pissing people off... Well of course it's going to. No one wants to listen when you act like you're the only right one . Saying that you think about how your friends are going to hell and you're not going to see them in the afterlife is kind of insulting. It's like implying that you're far more superior than us. Do you really expect people not to be annoyed with you?”
It is not forcing your beliefs on someone when someone says something. If that was the case than good ‘ol El Bastard here should be thrown in jail for what he wrote to my sister. This guy completely bashes christianity with pointless blabbering thoughts without any grounding other than his feelings, so I’m not even going to comment on what he says.
Also I definately worry about where you are headed. And that is because I view you as equally as important as me if not more so. If we thought we were superior why would we care? I would be flattered if someone cared as much for my wellbeing as I did for yours.
“If I had a choice, I'd choose to believe! I'd MUCH rather be at church, glowing with happiness around my fellow christians who know all the answers, and never have to worry about the afterlife, or that maybe death is really the ultimate end or that maybe the afterlife is terrible. But the fact is that I CAN'T KNOW it's true! I know that other people believe it 100% and would die for it, but it just seems like a lie to me!
Exact reversal of your statement. Is it really so hard to fathom? How can you be so certain you're right?”
Ok this is something I (or Krysta, or any other Christian) should talk about in person, as there is a slough of information to talk about. About how the bible is still very accurate (Dead Sea Scrolls), about faith, and about personal experiences. I can say that I have personally witnessed physical miricales in my life. Me not anyone else but me. I will post this sometime soon, but it is Quarter to 3 and I need to get to bed, so I will post that ASAP.
Uh... have you forgotten the crusades? You kids seem to be big on your historical evidence, so just don't forget that. Oh, and George Bush kept referring to his war in the middle east as a "Crusade". Old wounds were torn open for oil.
It is not forcing your beliefs on someone when someone says something. If that was the case than good ‘ol El Bastard here should be thrown in jail for what he wrote to my sister. This guy completely bashes christianity with pointless blabbering thoughts without any grounding other than his feelings, so I’m not even going to comment on what he says.
Well, actually you *did* comment on what they said. And if you read it again, you'll see it wasn't Christianity, but the actions of particular christians that they was talking about.
...how do you know El B is a male?
- CC
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