Well... like the thing says... great things happen to those who wait...
that is what the saying is right? oh well... anyways... i'll start off
with the bad shit, then way by the time i get to the good the bad shit
will be forgotten about... ok ready...
Bad Shit:
- I lost my 1gig Memory Stick... I think... but it might be in 1 of two places, so i might find it...
Good Shit:
- I have a Board meeting on Thursday around 3:00 for the ADMS at
DePaul. I'm becoming a Board member this year... for anyone who doesnt
know... the ADMS is the Animation and Digital Media Society. basically
we get guest speakers that are pretty big names in the field to come
speak, we hold tutorials and workshops and a bunch of other things
related to Animation and Digital Media. It will look amazing on a
resume to be able to list i was/am a board member of the AMDS. i know
people that got jobs becuase they were in it, let alone be a board member. :-)
- I will be creating a short story and animation in colaboration with Ashley. It will look great for the both our portfolio's.
- next semester i will be taking a Motion Capture class
- i get to play Final Fantasy VII for Homework, and i get to write an analytical paper on three major aspects of the game
- I'm playing the game "Assassin" as part of my GAM 224 class
- I got Maya, and i'm going to ask my Parents to get me a Maya Book for my B-day
- Working at my Uncles store and getting paid for it.. much better than Hollywood
- I get to see ashley Tuesday after school... which would be today technically... i should go to sleep.
- I got my GAM 224 group all set... now we have to pick a game to work on.
So yeah... alots of good things happening.. all in due time, and things
should be awsome for me from now on. no need to concern myself with the
bad things becuase i have ashley, and she has me, and i have all these
great things going for me. Midway Games, here i come... Thanks DePaul
and ADMS for the help!