(no subject)

Jun 29, 2004 13:39

hyperlinks are used to connect a web page to another web page
can be used to create an email link
text or image can be used as a hotspot for a link
-mouse pointer usually changes when positioned over a hotspot
-URL appears on status bar when the mouse pointer is over a hotspot
with text links, always use descriptive text
format to change link colors:

Linking Within a Web Page
allows visitors to move quickly from one section of the web page to another

a home page is the main page of a web site
-visitors usually view the home page first
-links should be apparent

Font Attributes:
Color: changes font color; uses color codes
Face: Changes font type; if user does not specify a font, text displays in the default font
Size: changes font size; choices range from 1 to 7, or relative values as +2

Classes of Images
inline images
external images
Image Types
Interlaced Gif

Image attributes
Attributes that can be used with the
ALIGN (controls alignment; can select from the bottom, middle, top, left, or right)
ALT (alternative text to display when image is being located)
BORDER (defines border width)
HEIGHT (defines height; improves loading time)
HSPACE (defines horizontal space that separates the image from the text)
SRC (defines the url of the image to be loaded
VSPACE (defines the vertical space that separates the image from the text)
WIDTH (defines width of the image; improves loading time)

Inserting a Background Image
the background attribute inserts the background image on a web page

Inserting a Horizontal Rule Image
setting the height and width attribute helps the image display faster
defining an image too large will make it appear grainy

Copying and Pasting Text
eliminates the need to type the same commad more than once

Adding a Link to the Second Web Page
The and tags are used to create links
-anchor tags
use hyperlink reference to link to another web page
two items required
-text or image as hotspot

Tag attributes and functions
COORDS (sets size)
HREF (defines the url of the linked page)
NAME (defines an ancor)
REL (forward link types
REV (reverse link types)
TARGET (determines where page will display)

Anchor Tag Anatomy

Adding an email link
It is necessary to instruct visitors to contact you with any info or suggestions

E-Mail Link Anatomy
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