*Yawn* I just woke up and I feel like shit. Maybe its cuz I keep sleeping late and waking up around 12PM in the afternoon. I might die or something. My friend Sarah keeps telling me its Mardi Gras and to do something. Isn't that where Girls Gone
Wild go to, to get footage of girls boobs? >_> Everytime I hear mardi gras. I think girls gone wild.. And when I think girls gone wild, I think boobage. Well, fuck it. Ill just stay home. Im hoping to get my tattoo today. Probably not cuz the tattoo artist has 3 people before me and it takes like 5 hours each. X_x So, ill have to wait for that. Oh, I've uploading my song onto youtube! Thanks K`z for the picture! Its great and fits well. Lets pray I get lots of views and groupies and stuff. Ill be INTERFAMOUS! lol.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Nxy9cwDHhs CLICK IT! NOW! lol ima get it and eat something. later!