(no subject)

Mar 28, 2006 23:42

tonight. we played a show. the first show of a series of shows that shall be our last, unless the legacy is continued on by a new singer who can replace our oustanding one. This search is not something i am all about, however, i am keeping my eyes open. I really don't mind either way. My true hope would be that in these last few shows- we get picked up by a label, and then we can keep those people in the band, but if that doesn't happen i hope that we can find another singer who is even better, and if not- or either way, i am just going to continue on working on my solo project, and i will let a label worry about other musicians later down the road. Either way i just want God's will to be done, and i know it will. That's all i pray for. Even if later none of these things work out, I know God's gonna do something exciting with me, and i can't wait. I am thankful that i can help impact lives here. I don't do very much, and i don't deserve very much, but His grace is sufficient, that he would use me; a sinner.
i find that people in need of help usually call for it. Ask and you shall recieve. If you're drowning- you're gonna be screaming, yelling, waving your hands- doing whatever it takes to get help. In the same way, my prayer is that when i need help, or when anyone around me needs help that we call out, wave our hands- do whatever it takes to get help. God hears us. and God will use those around us to help rescue us, encourage us. We can be the liferaft that God throws out and uses to pull our loved ones to safety.

one thing i absolutely hate. i hate with a passion- is how sin can blind us. aaaaaaahhhh! it makes me sooo mad. If only the lost could understand this, and even us believers. its distgusting how one sin can make us justify so many things and not even realize it. Why is it so hard to remember that the standard is perfection!?
no matter what, we fall short. Thank God for His grace. It makes forgiveness possible. and this great love makes repentance possible. Wow. How i long to focus 24-7 on this Love; an unconditional love found nowhere on earth. this is my prayer.

Well, a familiar face showed up tonight, but it was a face unfamiliar at the same time. I am not sure if i have ever seen sadness like that on her face. It was as if a few simple words of conversation- i could see a picture painted of her heart with a massive hole in it. Just broken- completely in need of repair. Leaving i wished i could have done more to help. I couldn't even figure out why i felt strange after this, until i got home and i realized i had some praying to do. And i know this has the greatest affect over any gift, thoughtful words, or encouragement.

Nothing of this world. No person, no place, no thing, can ever fill us whole, other than the One. The One who created our soul. The one who commanded us to love Him with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. all of which were created to bring him glory. Jesus, the doctor of doctors, the psychiatrist of psychiatrists (Mighty Counselor), the loving and kind, King of Kings, so mighty so great- so far beyond our reach and yet- He yearns for our friendship. a one-sided relationship where He does all of the work.

Seek Him. Ask Him. He will fill you with all of Himself. All of his love, all of his joy, and all of his peace, and of course the other fruits of his beautiful Spirit(gal 5:22). You shall recieve, and you shall find Him.

"I call upon you, for you will answer me, O God;
incline your ear to me, hear my words.
Wondrously show your steadfast love,
O Savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at your right hand." Psalm 17:6-8

The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life, and life abundantly." and that's exactly what Satan does, he tries to kill us; take away our life, by stealing us away from Jesus. Satan is the Father of lies, and that's exactly how he tries to pull us away, with little tiny lies he tries to fill our heads with to make us doubt our Holy Father.

Prayer shall be your weapon. God WILL hear your cry.

tonight my prayers are for you.
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