My first football game back as an alumni

Nov 06, 2005 19:17

So first i cough up $160 to a scalper to get my virginia tech miami ticket. oh how i miss the days of free student tickets. then we start doing the tailgating thing but we forgot cups. we go ask people for cups and they give us cups and a donut each that was pretty good. im pretty amped for this game #3 vs #5 at night in blacksburg. i drink a couple shots of vodka while i eat my donut and im feeling pretty buzzed before the game. we start walking towards the game and because im drunk i run up to some table with a box of pizza and steal two slices and this girl starts chasing me. she gives up because i mean hey whats two slices of pizza between friends? so me and my friend are grubbing all the way up to the ticket taker guy and my other friend decides he doesnt want to pay and makes a jump for the fence. too bad he jumped right beside a cop and got arrested, but i think they let him go cuz somehow he was watching the game with us.

this is where everything turned shitty:

THE GAME WAS THE WORST GAME IVE EVER SEEN AT BLACKSBURG! we totally got our asses handed to us by miami, and the worst part our seats were right next to the miami fans. that totally killed my buzz. we left mid 3rd quarter because it was just getting embarassing. yeah yeah true fans stay the whole game well kiss my ass. anyways we just walk straight downtown and right up to the bar. we are pounding drinks so we get pretty drunk and around 3 am we go to mcdonalds. for some reason i stole all the happy meal toys out of the display case thing and ordered a mcrib? what the fuck am i doing ordering a mcrib. well 30 minutes later i threw up that mcrib all over the mcparking lot and today i have a killer hangover. i think im getting too old for binge drinking. blacksburg that night was a real depressing place i dont know when the next game ill be able to go to but hopefully ill pick one that has a better outcome
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