My poor, poor Jorja/Sara

May 18, 2007 21:13

WEll I knew the spoilers, but it couldn't prepare me to see Sara in peril. I hated that it had to be her. I cried and cried.  I just hope they come to a revolution to her contract, and she returns. Because to me there is no better pair than Jorja/Sara on tv. Sara Sidle is a great character. The episode seemed really rushed to me. I know we needed to know why Natalie starting killing and making the minuature's, but they should have had a 2 hour episode. I uunno, it just seems unresolved. Which that is the "cliffhanger" part of it. I thought I was crazy, but Natalie takes me hands down. That creepy song"Sawdust". Nightmares!!! Well Poor Sara, hang on I am coming to rescue you! LOL Peace out! 
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