[NEWShFAN] Latest updates

Jan 02, 2008 11:54


As part of my New Year's reolution to do all the things I've been putting off doing, here I am posting up my latest updates to this community~!

* Shounen Club Xmas Special  (23 Dec, 2007) ~complete episode~
* Shounen Club (8 Feb, 2004) NEWS & Ikuta Toma http://newshfan.livejournal.com/11887.html

Hey! Say! JUMP
* HEY! HEY! HEY! (12 Nov, 2007) http://newshfan.livejournal.com/10815.html

NEWS & Yamapi
* Ya-Ya-yah (10 April, 2005) Pranks on Koyama http://newshfan.livejournal.com/11120.html
* "Kurosagi" movie trailer http://newshfan.livejournal.com/12757.html
* Utaban (1 June, 2006)  Yamapi as the guest http://newshfan.livejournal.com/13290.html

* Zoomin (11 Dec, 2007) Review of 2007 http://newshfan.livejournal.com/11490.html
* Music Lovers (16 Dec, 2007) http://newshfan.livejournal.com/11763.html
* Rajikaru (18 Dec, 2007) Akanishi Jin as the guest
* Zoomin Saturday (22 Dec, 2007) Kame promoting "1 Pound no Fukuin" & shadow boxing
* Sukkiri (24 Dec, 2007) Kame's lonely Christmas

* Arashi, KinKi Kids, SMAP, TOKIO, V6
* Hey! Say! JUMP, Kanjani 8, KAT-TUN, NEWS, Tackey & Tsubasa
http://newshfan.livejournal.com/12426.html and http://newshfan.livejournal.com/12286.html

Tackey & Tsubasa
* Gakkou E Ikou (10 Aug, 2004) Tackey & V6 http://newshfan.livejournal.com/11887.html
*24 HR TV (16 Aug, 2007) Tsubasa's letter http://newshfan.livejournal.com/10815.html

Next releases will probably be:
* Shounen Club Premium - 19 Nov, 2006 Tsubasa as the guest
* HEY! HEY! HEY! - 4 July 2005 NEWS as the guest
* Hanamaru Cafe - 20 July, 2006 Koyama Keiichiro as the guest
* Saturday Night Chubaw - 8 April, 2006 Yamapi as the guest
* Making of Hey! Say! 7's PV (unless Littlix subs gets around to doing it first)
* Random episodes of Ya-Ya-yah

tv show: ya-ya-yah, tv show: other, je: johnnys jr, je: tokio, je: news, je: v6, je: ya-ya-yah, je: abc, je: kat-tun, fansub: newshfan, tv show: shounen club, je: hey!say!jump, je: tackey & tsubasa, tv show: hey!hey!hey!, je: kinki kids, je: kis-my-ft2, je: kanjani8, tv show: utaban, je: arashi, post: release, tv show: music station, je: smap

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