Apr 18, 2005 11:21
Hey ya'll! I'm back in Health Class again and i still am in a stupid group! I hate health class........I know eveerything that i need to know! WTF! But ne wayz! Today has been boring so far! But on Firday after school i had a softball game with the Lady Jaguars.... And it was Jacki's birthday (HAPPY BALATTED BIRTHDAY) But her parents brought cupcakes , and i saw that Taylor put it in Jacki so i thought youknow y not do it to her! So i did and then she threw her cupcake in my face and we ran around the whole park with cupcake all over our faces! Well any wayz! I already told you that today has been really, very boring! And that is all i really have to say today! I lov ya'll! Buh-Bui! Xo0oX