(no subject)

May 19, 2004 20:46

Thirteen random things you like:
01) Starbucks
02) My princess bed
03) Laying in the sun
04) My pointy shoes
05) Summer!
06) Cuddling
07) Driving around w/ my friends
08) Smiling
09) Shopping
10) Baby turtles
11) Slurpees on hot days
12) Seeing my Nephew
13) Cooking

Twelve movies:
01) Monsoon Wedding
02) Brown Sugar
03) Only You
04) Enemy at the Gates
05) Dirty Dancing Havana Nights
06) A Time to Kill
07) Monsters Ball
08) Chocolate
09) Pirates of the Caribbean
10) Italian Job
11) Y Tu Mama Tambien
12) Troy

Eleven good bands/artists:
01) John Mellencamp
02) David Grey
03) Kelly Clarkson
04) Matchbox 20
05) Shannon Curfman
07) The Eagles
08) Christina Agulera
09) Justin Timberlake

10) Edwin McCain
11) CCR

Ten things about you ... physically:
01) Brown hair
02) Blue/green/gray eyes
03) Umm yea 5"2
04) 12 piercings
05) Im tan for the summer
06) I cant wink
07) I have tiny hands and feet
08) I cant roll my tongue
09) I always have chipped nail polish on
10) I have nice long finger nails

Nine good friends:
01) Newlon butt
02) Ashlie
03) Kelly
04) Ash
05) Kelli
06) Dustin
07) John

Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01) Starbucks Coffee
02) Peanuts
03) Champagne Jelly bellys
05) Diet Pepsi
06) Bombs
07) BBQ chicken
08) Salad

Seven things you wear daily:
01) Jeans
02) Bra and underwear
03) tank top
04) sandals
05) my fake diamond ring
06) earrings
07) perfume

Six things that annoy you:
01) socks w/ sandals
02) when people lie to your face
03) people who dont know how to drive
04) when your friends ditch you for their b/f
05) people who think they are always right
06) nagging

Five things you touch everyday:
01) My hair
02) My cell phone
03) My pillow
04) Chapstick
05) Im in my car all the time

Four shows you watch:
01) Friends
02) Full House
03) Real world/ Road Rules
04) and now Sex and the City ( thanks girls)

Two people on lj that you have kissed
01) i just started this .... so no one!

One person you could spend the rest of your life with
01) Well non- celebrity would have to be hahaha Dan... but celebrity then... Diego Luna
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