this and that

Mar 19, 2009 09:07

(Originally published at Pith and Vinegar: blog version.)

Hi LJ people! This is the last time I'm a-gonna send my blog posts to my LJ. I'm trying to write more, and I don't think a lot of my stuff is topical or necessarily that interesting to you folks. Feel free to bookmark or sign up for the feed, though, if you do happen to enjoy it. And I'll still be around on LJ!
I used to froth and rant at Wendy’s advertising slogan “It’s waaaaaay delicious,” which makes Wendy sound like she dropped out of school in fourth grade, but I have a new fast food slogan nemesis. (What? I’m a big fan of nemeses.) It seems that Pizza Hut’s latest round of commercials end off with “Now you’re eating.” Now.. you are eating. It’s like the only lure their food has is that you can put it in your mouth and swallow it. “Now you have found food sustenance.” Next up: car commercials with the slogan, “Now you are operating a motor vehicle.”


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