So, I'm trying to get my LJ back up and running and I need some new friends, as some of my f-list has fallen dormant.
I've also joined a few new communities and thought it might be good to start up a friending meme for everyone! So, I'm hoping to get this posted at a series of different fandoms. Feel free to pass it along as well! :)
Info under here! )
Age: Too old to be a child, too young to be an adult....
Location:New York City
Fandoms: To list a few: Spring Awakening, Bones, We Will Rock You, Many many many musicals, Glee, Books, Tv...(theres a full list on my bio)
Interests:Broadway/off B-Way/off off B-Way, musicals, reading, music, Green Day, student rushing, um...stuff?
About you:I've always lived in NYC, I never plan to leave. I get along with almost everyone, making friends is fun. I'm still a student, and my junk is Broadway, and pretty much everything else. I'm lost in time and space, care to lend me a hand?
What your journal consists of: Ranting, sometimes serious entries, sometimes not. Old fanfics, friendly musings. Icon posts. Spelling mistakes.
Anything else you may like to add: WARNING: May contain explosive squee. In case of emergency call the British zombies, and all will be ok.
P.S. I approve of your iconxx
Yes! Yay, new friend!
My comment thread. I think we should be friends :D
I love broadway stuff, I plan on going to NYC in the next year or so, and musicals are the shiznit! :D
Yay for B-Way and Musicals!
And your icon amuses me. :D
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