Get fucked four eyes.

Jun 03, 2010 02:52

HELLO you privlagged few who are able to read this wealth of insider information into my brain! Of the few people i Know, you are the select few who get to read my brain when i'm drunk. Im exposed to a few other people currently, but i jsut flip em off. Im' gonna be honest,i if any of you guys were hgere then i'lld probably do the samethign dto you, and just say fu8ck off, but i don't even care at this point! ahahhaahuhahhhahhhahahhhahha ahhahahh lol.

its all in good fun. i mean who can rea this shite anyway? i can't even read it when iread it lol. its a careful concotion thats crated when i write this thats made of of my m9nd set when i'm tyipng int lol. bahahhhaaahahhaaahhahaahahaahahahhhhahhahhahhahhahahhahaaahahhhahahahahhaaahahhahaha alll i can do i s laugh at the absurtity of it all lol. its allso fucking extream, how are ewe suppsosed to figure out what the fuck s goign on lol. ...


the above was written a few weeks ago when I was drunk and I accepted that I hate just about everyone.

Now i'm not so sure. I can't tell if I hate everyone until I get to know them, or that I like everyone until I get to know them and then I hate them. And i mean like get to know them as little as seeing what kind of clothes they wear to getting to know their deepest secrets. I don't know yet.

Also, every fucking film kid this year used some version of "where is my mind?" in their projects. Sidenote, my first girlfriend introduced me to that song and I love it but always somewhat associate it with her. My last girlfriend introduced me to a whole bunch of different versions of the song and kind of killed it for me cause now I associate it with her to. Damn. I still like it but it has a personal history now. I"m pretty sure thats how most people are with songs. Thats why I like finding songs that I like from myself. Or the internet. No personal attachments involved.

Maybe thats how I just like life, with no attachments. I mean, its impossible, but its an interesting fantasy.

4 years later, and i"m graduating.

I used to be a cool guy. WTF happened. I dunno.

I don't know.

Unfortunatly i've turned to drugs to alter my state of conciousness in order to deal with a lot of the shite. But thats kind of really stupid cause I mean, as fun as it is to get drunk and go off on people (god that feels good) and as fun as it is to just get high and play video games, I don't think i have an addicted personality. I can make fun out of throwing a pen into the air. I unno.

I want people to slap me whenever i say "um, like, or uh" when i'm talking. Also I want to slap people who talk with their hands by their faces and mouths. Fuck that shite.

People are getting older. And stuff is dying. And its depressing. I want to live forever. You know that classic hypothetical question about living forever but seeing all your family and friends dying while you dont? Well I know for a fact I'd take live forever, even if it was a trick question and i would be this feeble old asshole in a bed for eternity. I just want to watch everyone around me perish. I mean it would suck, but it would only suck for like, 4 times. After that, everyone else is just a god damned aquantance.

In my head as soon as I go home i'm purging my facebook. Lets see if it plans out.

In the meantime, I think i'll write this essay lol.

_mitch out.
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