(no subject)

May 04, 2010 09:22

every all nighter i've ever done in my entier life (which is at LEAST 3 a month) is not due to big homework assignments. or a need to study. Or even a fear of the dark.

Its because i love to procrastinate. Like the actual act of procrastination. Not the hatred of doing work (although I do), i just love to not do work. I have some sick way about me to pospone my work to the absolue last possible minute simply because my whole life i've been able to do it. I don't know what that means.

I don't mean to brag here, but i can pass a test without studying, write an A paper without reading, and present a presentation on something i didn't even see.

I'm writing this with 15 minutes before i have to leave for class and my essay isn't even finished. A long time ago back in the first years of elementary school I used to get homework packets for the week. I would sit and do every single problem and assignment monday afternoon just because I could. I wonder if i did homework packets in elementary school like i do everything in college if I would have turned out different?

13 minutes.

12 minutes.

I wonder if i was born in an era without internet would it be the same? I'd probably just do TV or movies. Before movies I bet I would read books. Before books I bet I would be killing people for their food. Before killing people for food I bet I would be a fish eating algae. Before being a fish I bet I would be a lazy ameoba having sex withmyself. OH WAIT I DO THAT TODAY!!!! ZINNNGGGEEERRR! BHWHHAHAHHAHRHARHHARHAHHAHAHAH

Fuck you all.

^^^^^^^^^^ that statement is directed to no one who reads this because i'm saying it to the people who don't read it because I'm too cowardly to say it to their face.

10 minutes.

Bad rotten lukewarm coffee makes me feel like i'm on the Nostromo eating white noodly pasta.

9 minutes.

oh shit, i have to print off like, 30 pages so i can read them before my class. and printers are more unreliable than me when it comes to not doing shite lol.

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