Jul 30, 2007 22:41
Lets analyse some friggan dreams shall we?
actually, im' posting this because i'm so fucking stir crazy. what does that mean? i have friggan cabin fever. its an interesting feelings. Spend too much time with your "friends" and you go insane. spend a little less time with them and your family gets mad. Spend too much time with your family, and you go insane. Spend a little less time with yoru family and they still get mad. Maybe my friends are mad too. I don't know.
all i know is im so fucking crazy and pissed off i'm going to hurt myself. cause can't hurt others. ad i can't hurt things. So what else is left? myself. thats right, i'm going to go fucking hurt myself. I would start out with blasting my ear drums but i can't cause itunes isn't friggan working. well, now it is.
fucking hormones and emotions and god damn me. I wish i was free of it.
so, i'm alone in this room. lgiths of, windows open, fan on. infront of the glow of this computar. typing these words onto this website and listning to music.
what should i talk about?
I saw her in my dreams, but i wished she wasn't there. Cause the first dream was basically everyone had someone and was having sex with them except for me. Why not me? Well, it might have been the house we were all in. Little glimpses of shadows and something but she still haunts me. Twas scary. So as i 'm telling everyone to get the heck out of the house, i start talking to this darkend area that i think has the ghosts in it. This is when the dreams moved on to the 2nd part. where basically, everyone outside started yelling and i realized that talking to the dark was doing nothing. Specters, attacked my brother and i saved him, along with every frickan body else.
So when my dreams turned into me on a giant parking structure out at sea, and this little boat full of beautiful people is being attacked by Jaws (cept he was a tiger shark). So i start pulling everone up, tossing ropes and grabbing their arms. But jaws is mean and starts to eat all the cool people. LIke that one girl who was nice in Jaws 2 but dies, Marge. So for some crazy reason, one of the girls we pull up puts on a costume and jumps right back over board trying to save people but jaws takes her out airborne style. We don't save nearly as many as jaws gets, but we get a few, and all of them are extreamly close calls.
So who wants to analyze this shobble de guk? I think i'm an idiot.
i've cooled off. no, damn her.
stupid friggan brother. not stupid, just mean. my stomach churns
everyone else can be mean. Am i mean? Not reeling.
I wish i was free of this.