Photoshop is loading up as I type this, and the minutes are ticking away before I have to go to work, so I'll keep this short...
New Pigmefah! up! It's on
deviantArt and
Random inK. I would tell you to go read it, but there aren't any words in this one, so that makes reading it kinda hard, haha. ^_^;
I just need to do final cleanups on the next page of "Elemental" and then that'll be ready to post too. Let me apologize in advance if the coloring seems rushed. I've gotten so behind on this that I got to a point where I just wanted to post this sucker. :P Next page after this one is already half-colored, so it should be along before too awful long as well.
No, I haven't finished Deathly Hallows yet. I'm not even half-way through. Jaqq swooped in last night (and this morning) and took my spot as farthest read. This is a great deal because of work and also because I made the mistake of thinking I was in enough pain last night to need to take my muscle relaxant medicine. While I did get a great night's sleep (for once) because of my medicine, I also didn't get up until about 11am today (I'm usually up by 7, or 8 absolute latest) and I've been extremely woozy and hung-over from the muscel relaxants all day - which meant that I lost the hours I would have spent in the morning reading HPDH to sleep of all things. And so Jaqq takes the lead...
And in RL, I've gotten some psuedo-offers on my comics, sorta. I've been asked to do some story-boarding for an indepent film-maker I know very casually, and I may be doing a weekly comic for the newsletter my church hands out every week. So, probably all non-profit, but I'm still really excited about the opportunities to get more exposure. =)
And that's it for now... If you'll excuse me, the nearly-done page of "Elemental" is awaiting me in PS.
-Jez ;)
(Gah, that wasn't so quick, was it? .__.; )