This was originally over on
randomink, but I went ahead and moved it here to save time and continuity for anyone checking for Pigmefah! news...
So I've updated
the site, making such amazing additions as:
-An actual
archive page so you don't have to scroll through all the comics to find the one you want.
-The most recent
non-comic (the holiday pic for St. Patty's Day 2007). Yes, my heritage really does have quite a bit of Scottish, but somehow no Irish. This was of course in response to all the 'Kiss Me, I'm Irish!' and 'Irish For A Day' type things you see every year in March ;P
-Several new pictures in the
Art section. Mostly these were things that were already on the site, but that hadn't been opened up for viewing yet because of the stupidity that is Geocities.
Next comic is coming soon...hopefully. It's in the coloring stage, which means it's almost done, but for some reason I just haven't been motivated with this one. Maybe because I don't think it's very funny. Oh well, it's all I got right now :P
In other news, I have a job interview tomorrow at a kennel/training school that I really, really want to work at. Wish me luck!! XD
...And since I don't want to lose this stuff, and this seems like as good a place to put it as any, here are all the old Pigemfah! updates for your viewing pleasure...
BC#2 "FOOD!!" - Yes, rabbits are deadly. Haven't you ever seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail? I tell ya, you let your guard down for a second and that cute little thing will be ripping your throat out...
That's Kuk Sul Won, a Korean Martial art, that Jaqq's doing there. She had to take some time off to focus on school a while back, but she's a black belt (or almost a black belt? I don't know, you'd have to ask her...) and can totally kick your butt. ;P
BC#3 "PET! PET Rabbit!" - Continuing the joke from the previous comic. In real life, Nahni loves rabbits and I hate them, but Jaqq's never really had any strong stand on them. So we talked it over, and came up with this. She likes rabbits....with ketchup.
BC#4 "Demon Bunny!!" - Majority won. Dang it. But the bunny's evil! Just look at it!!
...I had way too much fun doing the drippy letters at the bottom XD
"Attack of the Painchips" - Nahni's been bugging me for a long time to draw her with hair some color other than pink. So she finally got her wish. Hair that changes at will! And that's the 6th Harry Potter book she's holding. Which she still hasn't read. Feeeel the subliminal messaging.... :O
BC#5 "Visiting Rights" - Beh. Not much to say. 'Tis the page o' bad perspective. :P I am rather fond of our mint ice cream colored walls though ^_^
In case
this didn't give it away, I don't much like rabbits. I mean, I think they're kind of cute and they're of course very soft, but they actually kind of scare me, what with the big blank eyes and the hopping around unpredictably and the threatening to bite anything that comes too near... I'll stick with big happy dogs, thanks -_-;;
Unfortunately for me, though, my older sister absolutely loves bunnies. She's even wanted one for a pet for a couple of years now.
And so begin the Bunny Chronicles...
So, I'd meant to add this journal entry quite a while ago. Like, when
the last comic was actually posted. >_< So anyway, this comic comes from an old family joke/legend, and Jaqq actually gets the credit for creating it. Er, the legend, not the comic. I drew that, as usual ;P
This was many years ago when Jaqq was about 5 or 6 years old. Our main computer was this crotchety old Macintosh thing that we still have somewhere around here, despite our family having moved several times, it being incredibly outdated, the family now being in possession of several more recently made computers, and lacking several small but essential parts (like a mouse, for example). Nevertheless, I am told that it wasn't that bad a computer back in the day. It had reasonable internet connection for the time (okay, I remember being shown the internet for the very first time on that computer. It was ooold), plenty of computer games that we kids played incessantly, and of course a fun little image creating/editing program.
It was with this program - Flying Colors, to be exact - that Jaqq and I spent most of our time. We would use the stamp tool or the paintbucket with the pre-made backdrops to create scenes from our favorite movies or books, but most of the time we weren't really creating anything original. Then one day, Jaqq doodles up this strange little comic about two fish, upside-down day, and a shark. I remember we thought it was pretty funny, but Nahni, being about 6 years older than me and 8 or 9 older than Jaqq, thought it was just plain weird and so saved the file as "Fish on Crack." And so it has been since that day. Jaqq and I didn't get that joke when we were little, but I assure you, we do now... o_o
Jaqq's comic has gone through several different versions over the years, including being drawn by other people, like her friends and me of course. She says I simplified it somewhat for Pigmefah! but I honestly can't remember what else was in the original. It's buried somewhere in the bowels of that old Macintosh, so I guess the world may never know...
Okay, so I totally meant to start all this by talking about the
last comic, since I'm a little afraid it will require some explanation... Anyway, while I'm at this, I'll just go ahead and do a run down of all the comics before this one. :P
But first,
today's comic! Not much to say... I don't like rabbits. And it's not just dislike - it's borderline between burning hatred and absolute terror. So yes, the Easter Bunny gets to die. And don't go calling me sacreligeous - I'm burning and eating the Easter Bunny, not Christ! So there! (I happen to be Christian, anyway, as well as celebrating any Jewish holidays when I can. Hey, Jesus wasn't Christian - he was JEWISH! So ha!)
In the back are (L to R) Jaqq, Nahni, and Kae. Mostly because people seem to be strangely horrified at my dislike of bunnies, but also because there's been some confusion over Kae's first appearance in the last comic. People (*coughJAQQcough*) thinking it was Jaqq with rather short hair. So they got to be shown next to (or almost next to) each other so you could tell the difference. :P
Sept 24, 2005 - Comic #1 I Like Blue! - This actually wasn't posted on Sept 24 of 2005... more like March 29 of 2006. But it was drawn back in last September, I posted it, then forgot to record the date. So when I went back to mark the date, I just used the date it was drawn.
Yeah, yeah, Jaqq's not the only blonde one around here :P
March 29, 2006 - Comic #2 POTATOES! - Word for word from an IM conversation between Jaqq and myself, right down to the caps...
March 30, 2006 - Comic #3 Eomer Hair - Wow, I actually had a bit of a constant streak going there... Two days! In a row! Woohoo!! XD
Just a random thought as I was sitting down at the computer one day. I happened to glance in the mirror and the only thought that went through my head was, "Wow, I look like Eomer..." Not Eowyn, not Jessica Simpson, not even my anime-self. Eomer. Like, Karl Urban with helmet hair. Yeah, it was kind of a slow day up under all that hair. And it was a random enough thought that I of course needed to share it with Nahni.
April 13, 2006 - Comic #4 Tan vs Bra - Let the boobie jokes commence!
First thing to know about this - I'm a GIRL. See that little person in the comic? With the long blonde hair and disproportionately large chest? That person right there? That's me. I'm not some guy who likes breasts and who is now sure to get angry emails about being a perv.
Like all the previous comics, this is yet another instance of a comic made from a real life event. So, the story behind this one - my good friend Kae (pronounced "kay") is a lifeguard as well as possibly part Mexican, so she tans really, really easily. Even in March and April, when it's, like, snowing. Then you have me - I've never had a tan in my life and it's not likely that I'll ever get one. My mother accurately describes me when she uses the phrase "whiter than a frog's belly." So naturally, it was a little disconcerting when Kae started complaining about getting tan this early in the year when we were talking on the phone a week or two ago. My response? Exactly what it is in the comic - every time she complains about her tan, I get to complain about my bra size.
I hope the parallel is pretty obvious. Most people would kill to have nice, golden skin like Kae. Similarly, many women nowadays nearly kill themselves to have larger breasts, something I am truly mystified by. I mean, I'm looking forward to someday getting surgery that will reduce these things!
Now, you have to understand - my sisters and I are all rather small people, except in the chest area. We're each about 5 feet tall, with itty-bitty bone structures to match. Like, they don't even carry bras small enough for our rib cages in regular department stores. And then, on the other hand, the junk that sits on top of the ribs is ridiculously excessive, and all gathered on the front side. No spreading the load over the rest of our bodies, nope, it all goes right there. Department stores don't carry any sizes big enough to hold these things. Not Walmart, not JC Penny, not Nordstrom's, nor any of the stores in between. It's a hobby of mine to go in and ask for my size at Victoria's Secret, just to see the Sales People's eyes get really big. (They don't carry it there either, in case you were wondering. ;P)
So, since it's a problem the three of us share (and I do mean problem - be careful what you wish for, o ye of little busts! Being big in this department really isn't all that much fun!) we talk about it often, discuss specialty stores that we've found, and yes, joke about it. Ergo, we have no problem just talking about it - including to other people.
So be careful when you start complaining - you might just get slapped with a boobie lecture ;)