Apr 11, 2010 02:43

So hey! About a million years ago (i.e. Thanksgiving) when I asked for fic prompts, philosiraptors and shoemaster asked me for some historical backstory for I Was Your Silver Lining. Which I was excited about, but also, as it turns out, super intimidated about writing in someone else's fic universe.

Also, I am no stranger to either writer's block or procrastination. Also I suck.

But! A while ago it occurred to me that Allison and B-Rex have birthdays pretty close together! And I never filled that prompt! And six months later is better than never!

So here is about 1500 words of that, which you don't strictly need to have read their fic for but this will probably make more sense if you do, and which is in no way as awesome as the fic, but contains awkwardness and first kisses. Happy birthday and early birthday, you guys, you're both great and I'm lucky to know you. ♥

writing, bandom

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