
Sep 14, 2005 20:07

[What is your favorite ]
1. gum:= tropical punch bublicious
2. drink:= propel wild berry parrots bay and squirt or pink lemonade and vodka
3. season:= i like em all
4. emotion:= happiness
5. things to do all day:= volleyball
6. late-night activity:= hmm i wonder
7. city:= mexico beach

[ When was the last time you ]
8. cried:= today laughing
9. laughed:= when kyle kissed me and i fell out the door
10. hugged someone:= today
11. kissed someone:= 20 min ago
12. felt depressed: that's been a while
13. felt overworked: brain fried
14. lied: not sure i try not toi just fib

[ What was/were the last ]
15. words you said:= were you gonna kiss em
16. thing you ate: = chicken salad with western and french dressing im weird
17. song you listened to:= I tear my heart open
18. thing you drank:= Juicy juice
19. place you went to:= kyles 8th grade scrimage
20. movie you saw: = Wedding crashers
21. movie you rented: sahara i fell asleep sorry guys

[ Who was the last person you ]
22. hugged: = kyle
23. cried over:= my candy
24. kissed:= kyle
26. shared a secret with:= mom
27. had a sleepover with:= kyle
28. called: amanda and jan
29. went to a movie with: = mom
30. saw:= kyle
31. were angry with:= my self
32. couldn't take your eyes off: = thats easy
33. obsessed over:= chessy gordita crunches
[ Have you ever ]
34. danced in the rain: = yup
36. done drugs: = nope
37. drank alcohol:= well there was this one time lol
38. partied 'til the sun came up: = just 1000 times
39. gone too far on a dare: = umm depends on who your talking to
40. taken a survey quite like this before: of course

[ My life ]
41. name: Jessica
42. birthday: June 23
43. relationship status: in love
44. nationality: German/Dutch/indian
45. occupation: Full Time Student at mcc, and nurse aide/ activities dir.

[ Play ]
46. i'm feeling: exhausted
47. i'm listening to: kyle snore
48. i'm doing: this survey
49. i'm craving: ehhhhh im full
50. i'm thinking of: school blah

[ Love ]
52. love is: wow there is now other words
53. in love: like i said wow
54. My current love: My baby
55. best love song: You are Jimmy wayne
56. is it possible to be in love w/ more than
one person at the same time: no way than its not true
57. when love hurts, i: think and know it makes you stronger everything happens for a reason
58. is there such thing as love @ first sight?: maybe lust but it takes a second look to realise if its true love

[ Attraction ]
60. turn ons: a loving heart, beautiful eyes, a breathtaking smile and a nice ass j/k but it doesnt hurt
61. turn offs: Cold nasty people who all they do is take and never give!1
62. do your parent's opinion on your gf/bf
matter to you?:= yeah, but i wouldnt make that the deciding factor on things but they love kyle
63. what is the sweetest thing a guy/girl can do
for you?: = when your asleep lying next to them and you can feel them kiss you even though they think your asleep thats love
64. where do you go to meet new people?: everywhere ive never been shy
65. are you the type of person to HOLLA and ask
for numbers?: = no
[picky picky]
66. dog or cat:= dog for sure
67. sunshine or rain: = i love em both
68. hugs or kisses: = kisses for sure
69. summer or winter: = oo both summer volleyball winter snowmobiling
70. playstation or nintendo: = old school nintendo for real
71. car or motorcycle: = Car or bog cat lol i love that thing
72. house party or club: = house party
73. sing or dance: = both

[ Lately ] are you today?:= great
75.what pants are you wearing right
now?:= blue jeans
76.what shirt are you wearing right now?:= Orchard View priceless shirt
77.what song are you listening to right i was listening to the way
now?:= i was listening to the way

78. how is the weather right now?: = nice
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