Red, Blue, where are you tonight? I need you tonight...

May 20, 2003 20:19

Okay so call me passive agressive but I need to sit and spill because I just sat and simmered for about roughly 24 hours which does include my 4 hours of thought-filled restless sleep last night.

Lets think back a little bit... *lies on couch*

I was sitting chatting with some friends and at some point in the convo it was mentioned another, closer friend of mine was having a house warming party in two weeks. I stopped, thought for bit. That particular friend was suppose to be my roomate in about 6 days, funny, I thought I'd know if was co-hosting a party at my house... But I kinda ignored it, I just put it off as something we'd discuss later when he was moved in. Yeah.. it's nothing...

So about a day or so passes and in a convo with someone else I hear, "Oh I'm living on Hurley and Bell", which ladies and gentlemen is not my house. My house is on Howe ave, yes.. Apt 445 in the Fair Lake apts on HOWE ave. Hurley is a block down. Hmm.. Pause. That's not my house *thinks* Nope. Not my house. But I do know whos house this is. Funny because when I handed my friend a rental application he didn't say anything at all... I guess I'm lucky I heard this conversation but I must have missed an occasion two weeks ago when he told me he was moving with her. Interesting isn't it? I have Pac Bell coming out on friday to install a new line for my dear friend b/c I knew he'd want internet in the bedroom and I have my aunt moving a bed I bought from her out here also. Oh wait.. don't forget I fought my roomate and won finally as far as letting him move in here. Oh and... I got Daniel to find another place to move into in July so that my lovely friend could have time to save money for rent for a month by sharing a room with me then he could be all financially stable and stuff in July.

I guess I just have to call and cancel just about all of that. I talked to Daniel who can stay till August and then Stephanie is suppose to be coming then... She wasn't going to but I told her I needed her to so I didn't have to shift through more roomie selections. It all sounds so juvenille it's just that I was getting all ready to surprise him on friday and I guess that's no go. I'm really just offended and really actually quite hurt. But whatever I guess.. I'm 20 I should be more grown up by now :(
Right about now I just want a little break...
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