DDRExtreme.co.uk's World Tour competition has finally moved onto the next phase. The deadline for sending completed entries in was originally May 19th, but just before that deadline the site crashed. Fixing the site required reloading it from a backup, which took several days. This resulted in the entry deadline being pushed back to May 30th. The competition's final list of entries contains 20 judged entries, 25 non-judged entries, and 2 preview files. Threads for discussing the judged and non-judged entries have been added to the forums, but the actual voting thread has yet to appear. Likewise, the deadline for the judging phase has not yet been listed; I'm assuming this will appear in the voting thread itself. Finally, due to the contest's anonymous nature, a 'Guess the Author' thread will also be added in the near future.
As a final note, I just wanted to point out the song pack's release date: 06/06/06. I'm not sure what this may mean for the competition...
Current location: Ratchet, the Barrens
Current song stuck in my head: Russian Revolt by Trance Canada