I'm not used to this much space. There is so much wide open space here.
I'm spoiled by the water in CA. We had decent well water at home in MA and in Belmont, our water is from Hetch Hetchy. The tap water in AZ was pretty bad. I'm an elitist betch.
I keep seeing SportVans and small RVs and fantasizing.
We loved our tourguide at the Meteor crater and a few of the people we ran across in Tempe.
Being on holiday totally throws off our meal times-- we have been eating later and later. Gary needs to be careful because of his diabetes.
I definitely have overdone it on this trip. I may go carb-free vegan and no booze for a while. I ate so much meat, but did not eat many sweets. I cut out the cake for Lent and have an order in for a cake for my birthday.
The booze? Eh, probably won't give up beer. We found a great beer in AZ.
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