1/2. Which, going back to the point I've previously made. They don't need to pay YOU to get them. They can get them online. They can have friends burn them, they can have people who aren't trying to rip them off get it for them.
3. It doesn't help them, but it's definately not as bad as taking money for something that isn't yours to take.
4. It's robbing them blind because it's rediculous to charge $25 for something that, as I've said, what, 400 times now? Say it with me. Isn't yours. Don't worry, I wouldn't buy it, but I'm also going to tell everyone else to keep looking, because there *are* fans out there who aren't out to rip each other off. It's not as much work as you're making it out to be, and you know it. It works out to be what, a few minutes of work that your computer does for you, and you think you get $25 for each time? So, say each VCD takes 10 minutes to burn, and you spend an hour doing it... That'd be you getting paid $150/hr. Hardly minimum wage for the "work" you're doing.
5. They can see it, again, as I've said, for free. I think I've probably made that point abundantly clear.
6. Then you know what you do? You post and say 'Hi everyone! I have put a torrent up of all the sifl and olly shows here!', instead of taking advantage of their ignorance. Or you offer to send it on AIM/MSN/Email. Or you offer to burn it for the price of the VCD and shipping and 2 bucks for all the 5 minutes worth of trouble your computer is going through.
7. I'm arguing for the people you're trying to rip off that don't know any better. I don't believe in taking advantage of people, and it's exactly what you're doing. You know full well, as you said, that selling these bootleg copies of yours won't make sifl and olly come back from the (way years past) grave. The people thinking of buying this are the people who are already fans, the same people who signed 300 petitions and emailed mtv and, some of them, bought the dvd to support the makers of the show. Even if you could somehow market this to bring in new fans, it's not your job, especially when we don't even know if the creators want to keep MAKING the show. That's their call.
Don't disguise this as something it's not, you and I both know you're out to earn some cash for whatever reason, and you know people might not know how to get their hands on everything like you (and many others) have. Your 'service' is a mask for you trying to gain quick profit off people who don't know better. Don't kid yourself.
3. It doesn't help them, but it's definately not as bad as taking money for something that isn't yours to take.
4. It's robbing them blind because it's rediculous to charge $25 for something that, as I've said, what, 400 times now? Say it with me. Isn't yours. Don't worry, I wouldn't buy it, but I'm also going to tell everyone else to keep looking, because there *are* fans out there who aren't out to rip each other off. It's not as much work as you're making it out to be, and you know it. It works out to be what, a few minutes of work that your computer does for you, and you think you get $25 for each time? So, say each VCD takes 10 minutes to burn, and you spend an hour doing it... That'd be you getting paid $150/hr. Hardly minimum wage for the "work" you're doing.
5. They can see it, again, as I've said, for free. I think I've probably made that point abundantly clear.
6. Then you know what you do? You post and say 'Hi everyone! I have put a torrent up of all the sifl and olly shows here!', instead of taking advantage of their ignorance. Or you offer to send it on AIM/MSN/Email. Or you offer to burn it for the price of the VCD and shipping and 2 bucks for all the 5 minutes worth of trouble your computer is going through.
7. I'm arguing for the people you're trying to rip off that don't know any better. I don't believe in taking advantage of people, and it's exactly what you're doing. You know full well, as you said, that selling these bootleg copies of yours won't make sifl and olly come back from the (way years past) grave. The people thinking of buying this are the people who are already fans, the same people who signed 300 petitions and emailed mtv and, some of them, bought the dvd to support the makers of the show.
Even if you could somehow market this to bring in new fans, it's not your job, especially when we don't even know if the creators want to keep MAKING the show. That's their call.
Don't disguise this as something it's not, you and I both know you're out to earn some cash for whatever reason, and you know people might not know how to get their hands on everything like you (and many others) have. Your 'service' is a mask for you trying to gain quick profit off people who don't know better. Don't kid yourself.
I'm done with this.
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