Sep 05, 2005 02:51
Virgo, for Sept. 5th-
Endings aren't bad things, although we have been trained to think of them that way. When something ends, it also means that there's now room in your life for something to begin. At this time, connections with others are definitely beginning to change, but this is a good thing in the long run. Ride out this current cosmic unrest.
"Sometimes"- The Lyndsay Diaries:
"Sometimes the inspiration never comes.
When all you want is someone to realize your depression.
When all you want is someone to say that they care.
The sun can be shining but you don't see it.
And the love can be there but you don't feel it.
Sometimes the inspiration never comes
and the ransom for your joy is just too much.
And to show your face means they might judge.
They always judge.
When all you want is the will to get out of bed.
When all you want is some understanding.
Sometimes the inspiration, it never comes"
Nothing can say it better than that.
Today, I am 24. I was off all weekend.
Whoever you are,
chances are that I wish you had called.
Oh well.
I have "survived" another year.
I am still learning how to "live".
Good night.