Moodtheme: the Phantom of the Opera

Oct 10, 2009 14:57

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I've made the Phantom of the Opera Mood Theme

_secondthought, hope that you'll like it

phantom of the opera mood theme

click here to download the images and codes in a zip file, then follow instructions below to add the mood theme to your journal


- 132 different mood images - gif format - 80x40
- Please comment if you are going to use it, it's good to know where it's going and what do you think about it ^_^
- Paid Account Users :/
- Please credit me (nastey) on your user info page.


1. Download and unzip the zip file above that contains the images and the necessary codes to install the mood theme on your livejournal.

3. Upload the images folder to your own web server.

3. Go to the Admin Console.

4. In the box, enter: moodtheme_create "Phantom of the Opera" "Phantom of the Opera Moods" and then click "execute".

5. The next page says, "Success. Your new moodthemeid=#." This number is very important, so note it down somewhere. Leave the admin console browser window open - you will need it later.

6. Now open 00c_moods.txt that came with the images in the zip file. Change all of the "moodIDnumber" to the number you wrote down.
(Notepad has an awesome Replace feature (Edit -> Replace) or CTRL+H that will enable you to enter 12340 in the 'Find What' box and your mood theme number in the 'Replace What' box. You can use this again for the next step)

7. Change the image urls to where the files are located on your server. That means switching the text '' to read your actual domain where the images are located.

8. Go back to admin console. In the box under where it gave you your mood icon set number, copy and paste all the now personalised codes from 00b_moods.txt. Click "execute".

9. If you did everything correctly the page should say, "Data Inserted" over and over. If you get an error message anywhere then you may have made a mistake in changing the coding so go back and start from the beginning.

10. Now that you've finished all of that, go to the Modify Journal.

11. In the drop down menu where you usually pick your mood theme, choose "Phantom of the Opera". It will be right at the bottom of the list.

12. Click "Save Changes" and you are done! Don't forget to credit me (nastey) in your livejournal info!

instruction written by passionignited

movie: phantom of the opera, #moodtheme

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