Jun 20, 2005 09:47
Apparently Edmonton is facing a city flood warning because the Saskatchewan river is overflowing. The peak flood time is supposedly in 10 minutes. It's times like these when I am grateful to live on the sixth floor of a semi-shitty apartment building.
It's overcast today and the weather is like Autumn in K-W.
Today I woke up, made coffee, started laundry, got dressed, and brushed teeth ALL before my 9:30 am alarm went off. This is almost a first for me. The day might be promising, in terms of getting work done, so long as I don't spend too much time on the interent. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge).
I think I am afraid to start revising my Masters Project. I sort of know what I want to say but I feel compelled just to keep researching. I honestly think I'm annoyingly masochistic (not to mention too self-indulgent...sorry)
--- I think university cultivates masochism in students. I mean, if I just started writing and revising (which I should do since I told my supervisor I would send her writing today which she generously agreed to look at) I would be closer to finishing this gruelling project but no... I seem to like to stretch out the painful process as long as possible. Yet... this project is due at the end of June so I better get over myself.
I saw Blonde Redhead last week... they performed at a cool bar (Likkwid Lounge) I'd never been to before... I particularly liked it because the venue was much smaller than the other Toronto venues I've seen them play at..they sounded fantastic..and I finally felt like a devoted fan because I knew every song but one.... still... I don't know if it's because this was my third time seeing them but ... the three bandmates (two very attractive twin men and one very sexy woman), who have an incredibly hot onstage chemistry playing to each other and dancing with each other, all sexily and what not, seemed "overperformed" and contrived if you know what I mean. and so not as sexy and daring as before. :(
I am sad and sorry that I didn't get out to see my K-W friends any more than I did when I was home. I was literally packing and moving, everyday... and I have cuts, bruises, and just-starting-to-heal muscle pain to prove it.
I heard people gathered at Ethels on Wednesday but I got home too late from seeing my dad and from moving my crap to Innerkip to be able to join in. I hope youse had fun. I had a very, very, early flight on Thursday and Matty came all the way from Kingston, after his exam, to kindly drive me to the airport so I stayed put at home to hang with him for awhile.
I am almost 100% flying home July 1st weekend...to help my sister move her stuff, to celebrate Caroline's July 1st b-day if she is in town, and to maybe get going a pre-celebration for Matt's day which is on July 9. This will be the very last (FINALLY! FOR REAL THIS TIME)time that I will be able to be at home. Yep, after the next trip I will be invading your homes whenever I visit. or at least passing out on your front sidewalk if you let me.
The moving date is July 19 and I won't be able to fly home for that because I will have started a class where "full attendence is mandatory to receive a course grade" --blah. I'm just trying to find a reasonable ticket price.
Anyhoo.... I better drink some coffee and read about the epistemic status of cultural identity and the postcolonial condition in Toni Morrison's Beloved.