a few months ago my Dr. prescribed me Ambien...it was the most amazing sleep EVER...i'd take it and seriously 20mins later i was on my ass pass out! then i'd have a solid 8 hours sleep with out waking up (occassionally once here and there) and would actually feel refreshed when i woke up! it was awesome...haha..then the bastard refused to give it to me anymore after 2 months...apparently it's 'supposed' to fix your sleeping patterns after 2 months...lol...not so much...*shrug* :)
i think sometime after that...im not really sure i remember posting that and the next thing i knew it was 7am....i don't remember getting in my bed or anything
Yeah, but you gotta be careful with that stuff. Apparently people would take it then while passed out go on HUGE eating sprees and not remember ... like literally they'd go to their fridge, eat EVERYTHING, go back to bed, then wake up in the morning and think that someone broke in. You don't wanna be on that stuff for too long, I promise.
a few months ago my Dr. prescribed me Ambien...it was the most amazing sleep EVER...i'd take it and seriously 20mins later i was on my ass pass out! then i'd have a solid 8 hours sleep with out waking up (occassionally once here and there) and would actually feel refreshed when i woke up! it was awesome...haha..then the bastard refused to give it to me anymore after 2 months...apparently it's 'supposed' to fix your sleeping patterns after 2 months...lol...not so much...*shrug*
the longest i have gone without sleep is 40 hours
i used to sleep walk when i was a kid too...lol...my luck it'd probably induce it again...
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