Things Are Going Good

Sep 24, 2007 19:47

I don't have much time to post today -- I need to do more AP Bio work, and then so much more homework is waiting for me back in my room... -- but I shall make some time to share my happiness.

I am now working on writing a novel using The Snowflake Method. Already it feels promising, although I can't work on it too much just yet because AP Bio and Cal and American Studies come first...(haha, yeah right). The potential is in my head, and that is what matters.

I will, however, share a slight factoid (yes, I just used the word factoid) about myself before dashing off.

As I was washing the dishes, I was fantasizing. About what, may you ask? About me finishing my novel by the age of 18, sending it to Ms. Stephenie Meyer, and having her love it and me getting published, etc. One can dream, right?

*experiences squee of the day*

Peace, love, and bubble gum!


ap calculus, snowflake method, stephenie meyer, ap biology, novel, writing

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